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Everything posted by *ferrifleboy

  1. As stated we already have our rabbit dogs and never had any bull x's to date but looking to the future.. Also as this is THL bull x's are good for rabbits
  2. Cheers ruby jet.. What age? What percentages if ya don't mind me asking.. Thanks 
  3. Your right we have a grew, collie grey bed, jrt and border for what we need.. I'm just interested for future reference..
  4. Out of interest as me and my hunting pal dont keep them as we do rat/rabbit and only seen a few, what height have your bull x's made? I do fancy one but wouldn't want any bigger than 23/24".. Cheers,.
  5. Which are the best nail cutters to cut my lurchers nails, must be able to cut through steel! What do you recommend for real tough claws! Cheers
  6. A terrier or bedlington x whippet if your after a small bushing dog that stands a chance of a bit of coursing.. Usually a terrier bushes rabbits out to a lurcher to run.. Do you have ferrets?
  7. Credit where credits due.. Skycat can always give sound advice from all the posts I've seen on THL. There should be an “ask skycat" section on here
  8. I think it's down to looking In the right places, where they were, have now gone but 10mins away round the corner theres plenty.. I'd love to be able to stick the lamp on at these caravan holiday parks :) = LOADS!!
  9. Give the lad a break and move onto the next topic.. Personally like a good write up with pics too!! Good work fella!
  10. Nice dog.. My next will most likely be along these lines of breeding..
  11. Tricky that one.. Only you can decide.. All the best..
  12. Lifting or holding a dog by the scruff of the neck.. Yes or no? I do this with my 5month old pup at the minute when he's deep in bush or tight spaces, not sure I'l be doing it as he gets older..
  13. I've just got a 3 peaks dual ascent lead from pets at home for the mrs to try and walk both whippet and terrier pup as she can't handle swapping and fighting both leads..! It's yet to be tried out but looks a good piece of kit for £13!
  14. If this dogs to be worked I wouldn't be correcting the prey drive and use a long lead as a last resort.. If it's for rabbiting (as its been ferreting) don't put it off chasing them.. I'd work on re enforcing the recall..! If the dogs onto something nothing will bring it back to you most of the time til it's satisfied it's own interest! It's all a choice of where and when to let it off the lead.. Terriers eh..!
  15. Probably posted on the wrong site here as it's how a working dog should be.. Never the less keep it on a long lead when it sees the small furrys in order to keep control of ya dog and walk it past with a tug on the lead and a correction of no when it shows any interest! The dog was bred for this and if it's not your cup of tea may be best to give it a working home.. All the best..
  16. Once had an old English mastiff beast of a thing but scared of it's own shadow! If someone shut a bin lid or garage door the dog would pull ya down the street!
  17. Glad to hear it.. Did you come to a conclusion or have an idea what caused it?
  18. Pricing is down to the breeder not all charge the extra (kc or not) but is it not the thinking of the breeder that paying extra for the bitchs is that their pups are going to be bred from at a later date?? Personally given the choice I prefer a bitch, always had them growing up and my first lurcher was also a bitch! I've just taken on a second, that's a dog in the hope a dog and bitch get along better than 2 bitches so I might change my preference in the future..
  19. Like the look of the 1st one hoping mine turns out that stamp.. Atb
  20. i thought lepto was covered in the 7 in 1 jabs that all pups should have had before going into the big bad world Its covered in it's annual jabs but the lepto jab alone gives the dog a greater immune chance of the disease but can have fatal reactions! Just after peoples views and to see if anyone has had there's vaccinated for it, cheers
  21. How many of you vaccinate against Leptospirosis I've heard dogs can have fatal reactions to this vaccination.. I'm bringing on my first terrier for ratting, I've always ran lurchers before now and not sure if it's worth being done.. Cheers!
  22. I'll find a litter of the right breeding that has all healthy pups reared correctly which I'm happy with then take the mrs and let her pick.. At that point it's usually down to making a decision on colour and character AND keeps her indoors happy..
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