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Posts posted by harryshounds

  1. Anyone defending that video really doesn't get it tbh. That video is so bad it's like the antis do a 'white helmets' and staged the f***ing thing, anti gold it's that bad, and a week after the Scots closed loop holes allowing trail hunting, f**k me. 

    To film that and share it in the current atmosphere is beyond stupid, I'd nearly go as far as to say there's agent provocateurs at work there. Shocking.

    • Like 6
  2. 1 hour ago, terryd said:

    Fox hounds kill fox. Not very sporting but same would have happened if they had caught it. Not legal but that law is wrong anyway 

    Yeah but filming it is f***ing stupid especially with what happened in Scotland. Some things don't need to be filmed. Most of my mates aren't anti hunting, they don't care about it either way, but if you showed a fox getting dropped to a pack of hounds they wouldn't like it!!!

    Fact is most people are ignorant to hunting, they don't give a f**k, more important thing to worry bout but if an anti showd em a video (usually one taken by someone actually hunting) and asked em should that be banned they'll say yeah, especially when it a fox and hounds and c**ts in red coats. 


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  3. 1 hour ago, Blackmag said:

    I have never got that hung up over pick of the litter ect as pups change so much as they grow  but it's what you put in over the first year or two that counts bonding with them I find important  then there  watching and learning and wanting to please you and then you  actually putting gear and different ground in front of them that shapes them  I doubt anyone could pick a world beater from a litter of youngsters 

    It's a lottery but it helps when you can pick a pup your happy with for whatever reason.

    • Like 1
  4. Unless I travel to follow mates footpacks then it's mostly by myself, brought my son alot but now has no interest these days. An odd day with one or two lads I know yrs. A mates young lad is hunting mad so he's started to come out with me a bit.  Mostly by myself and tbh I'm happy like that. Yrs ago went out with different lads digging and different crews but found all the bullshit, snakey behavior etc.....too much for me, not into it.


    Do wish my son kept the interest but ya can't force em. 


    Most of my best hunts and days were by myself.

  5. 1 hour ago, tonyormy1 said:

    do any you lads  remember jacks game the days when we had 4 channels on the tele and town and country by jack hargreeves  they done a very good at  edu cating joe public  at the time  life was good and people were normal f**k nose what happend  after that but i dont like it  the woods and lay byes now are all full doggers goosing each other the new norm            

    I only just watched em on YouTube. Never ever get anything like that on telly again. Very good show. Jack's blunt and honest in it. A pack of beagles catch a hare in the show and Jack says "all wild animals die violent deaths, none of em die peacefully in their bed"....very true.

    But he also very clear about the benefits of the hunting sports he does the shows about.

    • Like 7
  6. 2 hours ago, whitefeet4190 said:

    I think it’s as you get older you realise you need to relax more and spend more time listening and learning especially when it comes to dogs, as most are way more clever than we think, I just think of how many dogs I have ruined of parted with over the years that haven’t been given enough time and I am sure lots of lads have had the same, weather they admit it or not is another thing. 

    Very very true.

  7. I look for quite confident one, not necessarily the one jumping all over you and definitely not one with it's tail between it's legs.  It's a lotto though at end of the day cos even the nervy last picked can make good uns in right hands.

    • Like 2
  8. 56 minutes ago, tonyormy1 said:

    i ended up in hosbital 4 7 weeks recuing me terrier from a flight pond  on a shoot i go beating on  this duck kept going around and using this bit of a floating island to go under and pop up on the otherside well typical terrier was doing the same till this she never appeared cut a story short l managed to save the dog  1 of the guns had spare close in his truck so got changed and carried on  following day i  started feeling ill a few days later i am in hosbital aperently all the shite and germs in the water got into my blood steem and neerly wiped me out


  9. 3 minutes ago, Francie, said:

    I agree we shouldnt tar them all with the same brush harry,but let me ask you this would you house any of them or be happy if 100 or 200 moved into your street?i dont think you would tbh its very hard for me to be sympathetic towards them when we see what there upto.

    My last response to this thread cos I not on here for political debate.

    I live in an area with many immigrants of all countries and I'm happy with it. We've problems with Irish scumbsgs and forigen scumbags, like most areas. I'm coach in a local boxing club and we've kids of all types, colours and religions and all are welcome. 

    No I wouldn't have an issue with refugees being housed in my area. Would I have an issue with some of them behaving criminally? yes obviously and I'd deal with that IF or WHEN happened. Criminalizing all refugees is no different to "No blacks, No dogs, No Irish" to me.

    I'm out.




  10. 18 minutes ago, Francie, said:

    The brit gov aint stupid pete, he was planted there for certain reasons


    That is true,but we built the places we arrived at an lived by the laws, we didnt take over an attack locals an sexual assault woman n children,completey diff harry,there has been plenty of good migrants that come here an abide by the law,but these c**ts coming now are completley diff.

    Not always Francie.....Irish mobs in America, Liverpool etc....

    Criminals exist in every ethnic group and every class. Most of the big social problems we have in Ireland can be traced to our own native Irish banker class. 

    Should we tolerate criminals? No. Should we tar every immigrant with same brush? No. 

    As an Irish man, proud socialist republican, I don't support these protests. But I come on this site for the hunting stuff and for bit of a entertainment.....so I'm finished with this thread now. 



  11. The Irish have left these shores in their millions as economic migrants but also as refugees fleeing starvation and war....... we've communities on every continent in world ?

    At times we were treated disgustingly....."No blacks, No dogs, No Irish".....

    Funny how things change eh??? 



  12. 2 hours ago, jigsaw said:

    I just like a tall dog,the kelpies came 23 max....I've ran only one hare and after 2 exciting turns it was adios,...they weren't bred for that ,I'm more than happy with them ,

    My next one is a straight first kelpie or collie x greyhound. 

    You be thinking bit of good deerhound in your mix Jigsaw? 

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