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Posts posted by harryshounds

  1. In the 90s Irish terrier was a very popular cross. I'd imagine that a decent whippet or greyhound X Irish terrier could still produce a good lurcher. How many border collies used for breeding are actually working dogs?? So if the Irish was well made and had a bit of drive I think it could still add something to a lurcher mix.

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  2. Out today, 3 rats from 2 marks and flushed long ears, rabbits and lots of birds. Dogs winded something in a small bunch of gorse and briars, terrier hunted the line back about 30mts and marked a hole and started digging. Gave him a hand with spade had this lad out soon enough. Pics don't really do it justice, pig of a rat. 



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  3. Started back mooching properly this week. Went to one of my permissions two evenings ,I let the young lad do all the shooting, only 13. He bagged 3 rabbits over two trips with the gun, his first ever kills.Dogs went very well, all the fitness work during the summer paying off as the were able to hunt hard no bother. Flushing terrier going well in cover, flushed birds rabbits and fox.



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