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Everything posted by harryshounds

  1. Id two very good springers over the yrs. Savage in cover would hunt anything. Sure yrs keep the lurcher busy. Happy hunting.
  2. Always been a thing for Irish men to join. Some went for training to be used in the liberation struggle, some went for money, some went for adventure. I know of two personally that went for adventure.
  3. A good read, nothing most of us didn't already know but the stats are very interesting. Stats backed up by research.
  4. Serious hunting today. We'd good bobbery pack out and we'd pretty much non stop mooching for whole day. Didn't get the best hunt of day on camera but there was some noise off our small pack when they found Basil in a bunch of briars and flushed him out across the field into the woods and cover and he took em on a good loop for ages. Flushed plenty of vermin of the cotton tail and bushy tailed variety. Delighted with how Luna pup is coming on, first season out she's only gonna get better. Tired dogs at home here. Fingal Bobbery pack had the pup, sire, dam, grand sire on dams side all out t
  5. Meat, like beer, doesn't last a week in my fridge.
  6. Most anti social deviants end up not as "criminals" but as very successful business owners and politicians. FACT.
  7. Steak, rolled in seasoned olive oil baked potato, eggs..... Don't know about Britain but lidl steaks are excellent here, look at the marble in these. Top notch. And when wifey doesn't like the steak fat or crispy potato skin ya get two portions of best bits!!!
  8. Nope. Wanted to be a game keeper or park ranger......Once I discovered booze n yokes, fingering girls and raves I just took first apprenticeship I could get, as a pipe fitter(turned out very good at it even though I hated metal work in school and tech drawing) so I could party at the weekend! But no regrets, life's too short.
  9. This the box with bellman color @fireman?
  10. I've seen couple of good ones, good around holes too. I love the type.
  11. Something like that suit me down to the ground once it done a bit of bushing and ratting above.
  12. Crackers. My next pup is a border. It's been decided.
  13. Did dry January once yrs ago, pure shite. Misery. Never again. Even the wife wouldn't let me do it again. Life's too short.
  14. About control. All organized religion is about control, all lies and spoof. It's been a cancer on humanity since the middle ages. Christian, Muslim, what ever one ya wanna pick, all nonsense.
  15. Fields around me never really been good for foxes but a few been ok knocking around the village and estates recently so I thought he was on a fox especially cos the hunt went further than you'd expect a rabbit to go, but just a gun shy roooster this time.
  16. A mates Da had a German pointer yrs when we're were kids we used to bring it out mooching with the rest of the bobbery pack. He was relentless, ran and ran ran must've covered four times what rest of dogs did and on way home he'd look less ke he was only out for a walk. GPs some stamina.
  17. Had planned a longer day with nephew and Luna pup but weather was diabolical here so I just went out for quick mooch in fields around the house. Not much out but got one decent hunt of a rabbit and another hunt along a ditch I was sure was fur but turned out was a rooster, they're very slow to rise this time of year know well it's safer on the ground. Hunted six days in all over the Christmas break, dogs always did their job and kept busy all day every day so they'll get a nice long break now til next weekend.
  18. Good stuff. Makes you feel good and makes all your problems go away!
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