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Everything posted by harryshounds

  1. i'd have called him a traitor to the irish people before he died so i wont change my opinion of him now he's dead. i feel sorry for his wife and kids to loose a father but i wont feign sorrow or pretend he was a great lad now he's dead. he has shouldered my country with nowt but pain and misery so he could pay the debts of speculators and gamblers. he fnuked the irish people to help out a tiny elite of bankers and developers. he was a traitor. he was part of an small elitist clique that thought ireland was theirs for the selling. i hope ahern,biffo,fingers and fitzer etc....................fo
  2. i dont know but the 4 dogs in the ring where all crackers but the 3 judges picked it and thats how it goes and i dont see any reason why it should not have got it he was a fine animal just my opinion thats all, not knocking the show or judges. Judge had a tough call in, IMO the red 5/8 dog should have won it over the black dog but every man to their own
  3. seemed to be less terriers as usual...........some lads left em at home cos of all the "heat" down that end of the country lately.
  4. i dont know but the 4 dogs in the ring where all crackers but the 3 judges picked it and thats how it goes and i dont see any reason why it should not have got it he was a fine animal just my opinion thats all, not knocking the show or judges.
  5. good show alright. dont think the lurcher shoudve got best in show though, fell terrier was a cracker as were the whippit and foxhound.
  6. never knew there was a wtc in dublin! best of luck with the show, i'll try and make it. have you many members?
  7. thats it. im happy with hounds hunting dont bother if i catch any thing. keep going after foxes and hares and they'll get used to good long hunts. i used to keep 3 harriers and they often got hunts at foxes for hours.
  8. wouldnt worry bout em hunting rabb, the more hunting they get after foxes and hares they'll not bother with rabbits really. hounds will always hunt a fox if there's one there. a huntman told me once that hounds will hunt anything rather then hunt nothing! just keep taking em to good fox bogs and they'll soon realise that foxes is their main quarry.
  9. lovely little hounds ray.
  10. lads that used to dig are now setting snares for the department down my way ,what does that say the c**ts i hear they are doing "poacher turned gamekeeper" too and passing info on diggers to the feds.
  11. go after the easy touches! typical police code. dont bother going after drug dealers and scum,thats too much hard word and dangerous too . go after the lads out lamping and digging
  12. some nice little hounds lads.
  13. nice pics and hounds. where you based?
  14. i've heard of a few collie x hound and x springers that were class on foxes in cover. the auld collie can add alot to a mix. i once bred a litter of harrier x lurcher(wheaton/hound). last i heard they were working well.
  15. the antis are going mad cos they were telling any one who'd listen to watch this programme,it was on their website for weeks before it showed. not just cos it wasnt some anti hunting propaganda video they're going mad. tough sshhit. it was un biased and honest and they hate that cos all they have is un truths and lies to fight us with.
  16. yeah i seen it. the antis here a getting their knickers in a twist over it. they were telling everyone to watch it now cos it wasnt as anti hunting as they'd have liked they're going mad. hunting and coursing came out of it well.
  17. morrigan- ancient irish goddess of war,fertility and strife.
  18. morrigan- ancient irish goddess of war,fertility and strife.
  19. wash em with a dettol wash when you pack em up after the dig before you head home,thats when an infection will start. then just salty water after that. i only give antibiotics if totally necessary.
  20. wash em with a dettol wash when you pack em up after the dig before you head home,thats when an infection will start. then just salty water after that. i only give antibiotics if totally necessary.
  21. i'd like to talk to both my grand fathers never met either of em. also like to as clarke,pearse,connolly and mac diarmada if they would be happy with whats become of ireland.
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