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Everything posted by harryshounds

  1. would they have the stamina for a long days chasing say 6,7 8 hrs hunting and chasing?
  2. i remember reading in a irish hunting magazine called "the chase" about a pack of bassetts based near athy in kildare. anyone any info on em???
  3. i hunt harriers myself but im always watching vid's on youtube of the basset blue de gasgone. grand lilttle hounds, any lads here hunt em?
  4. i see you have a hitler avatar!!1 did you know that the nazis where the first government ever to ban hunting with hounds,fact. the reckoned it was cruel. funny you should mck them crazy yanks while the nazis were very anti hunting with hounds. if they can ban hunting in the land of the free thats bad.
  5. i usually start the last week in sept but i'll be up to you lads before then. d's started back already. i cant wait tbh been a long summer. you'll have to bring some hounds down to some of our spots for joint meets this yr.
  6. right lads im in cardiff next week for a stags.....where's the best spots for a night out?
  7. as bad as junkies are i feel sorry for em. its the scum that sell the smack that deserve the o.b.e!. drug pushers are to blame for your incident not the poor fool that uses.
  8. i had a welsh x harrier hound before. good nose but shit voice,yapped like a terrier. good decent bitch though,bit jumpy in strange surroundings or with hounds she didnt know but once she relaxed she was good to hunt.
  9. you should be very proud.
  10. i hunt with foot hunt clubs and believe me there's not a toff in sight for a hundred miles on hunt days.
  11. the bnp are the same people that hung "no blacks,no dogs,no irish" on pubs and clubs around britian. now instead if fearing/hating blacks and irish its muslims they shit themselves about.
  12. theres defo a class divide in britian when it comes to hounds, but its mostlty stirred by the press and the politicians. in ireland there is no class divide cos we have a much stronger foot pack and trencher pack tradition. whereas most huntinh in britian you need a horse(therefor cash) in ireland by far and away the most hunting is done on foot by trencher fed packs( a pack where by members keep a hound or two each and meet up at weekends to hunt).
  13. one of the best hunting pics i ever seen. phucking excellent.
  14. i often took my hounds out hunting at night when there was a full moon. it was eerry enough hunting here i dont have snakes etc.. to worry about. you should post the hound pics in the hound section. what type of hounds are they do they hunt in packs?
  15. when hounds are hunting hard and regular its hard to keep weight on em. well hunted hounds will look bare. i dont like hounds that look bare myself but i've also seen hounds out with packs that aint much to look at but are hardy at stay and hunt all day with the best of em. i think each huntsman and his hounds will have different ways that suit themselves. i dont think the foxhound types would cope well bare but the irish harriers seem a much hardier type.
  16. when hounds are hunting hard and regular its hard to keep weight on em. well hunted hounds will look bare. i dont like hounds that look bare myself but i've also seen hounds out with packs that aint much to look at but are hardy at stay and hunt all day with the best of em. i think each huntsman and his hounds will have different ways that suit themselves. i dont think the foxhound types would cope well bare but the irish harriers seem a much hardier type.
  17. i think i know the look of them breeds. are they out of paddys yard?
  18. grand looking dawgs will you be digging rabbits with em................i hear their breeding is no use on things that bite back. irish lurcher told me that.
  19. no way these dogs are staying in ireland. the dog world here is too small,they'd be found out in no time if the dogs stayed here.
  20. i've always been against the way the country was going. as a socialist i seen that greed was leading us on a road to ruin. i never voted ff in my life and always knew them to be corrupt gombeen quislings. i critisize all i like cos i never bought into the hype.
  21. i dont blame him alone as i said he was part of a small elitist clique. there a few more i'd like to see in court on treason charges.
  22. That's cold.......how exactly as he wronged you then? as minister for finance he "wronged" the whole country.... well the poorer half of it anyway. have a heart "have a heart" this man bailed out banks with our money, my great grandkids will still be paying for it. then he helped to draw up a budget that cut special needs teachers,pensions for blind people,cut social welfare,cut back money for the childerns hospital so he could help pay for the mess he made............have a heart spent over 10 years in dublin mate cant put it onto 1 man everybody lived beyond there m
  23. ye sound like ye v been in the pub all day go to sleep lol havent been near a pub tbh or had a drink. its the truth. what him and his clique did to ireland makes my blood boil,sorry if the truth hurts. i dont think he deserved cancer,i wouldnt wish that on any man or family. but i wont feign sorrow he's gone or change my opinion of him now he's dead. sorry if that offends you.
  24. That's cold.......how exactly as he wronged you then? as minister for finance he "wronged" the whole country.... well the poorer half of it anyway. have a heart "have a heart" this man bailed out banks with our money, my great grandkids will still be paying for it. then he helped to draw up a budget that cut special needs teachers,pensions for blind people,cut social welfare,cut back money for the childerns hospital so he could help pay for the mess he made............have a heart
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