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Everything posted by luke

  1. no problem mate it will keep the neibours back from my door
  2. just wondering if anybody had tried this cross.i have a springer that has killed most of the cat population around here.i try to descourage this but he is a died in wool cat killer.just made me wonder how a half cross would fair on fox as i have yet to see a mark on him
  3. thats a cheeky looking character
  4. luke


    thing that gets me is that they will ban hunting with dogs but are prepared to let wolfes controll the deer that will subdue them and eat them alive.funny country we live in
  5. cow parks shoudent be aproblem the only problem i have seen with them is they just seem to run full steam a head dont go up and sit and youse there gears.better whith half grew quarter whippet quarter base blood only my opinion
  6. i dont do much foxing but was out with some mates acouple of weeks a go they had like tape recorder thing it worked a treat they came in like collies Is it a home made device? What call is it like is it a rabbit squeal or a fox bark? ya you could go that route but ud have to carry speaker lol ya iv had one for a while this season was ver effective on even the shyist of foxes and by fu*k was it loud it also did crow woodcock and s few other calls! thats the one do no who makes thow
  7. i dont do much foxing but was out with some mates acouple of weeks a go they had like tape recorder thing it worked a treat they came in like collies
  8. pups 10 days old now sire svilpark lines dam barnesmore and hillsdownlines
  9. around herethere are alot of thick wooded areas iknow they can get abit scarce in wet weather but never like this where its not unusual to see 6 in the small fields around here
  10. belting dog mate. ive been hunting for 25 years mate and iknow where to find them just werent there scary stuff
  11. i was reading on hear the other day that hares dont like wet ground.this winter has been the wettest i can remember. now there is a lot of hares around here and isearched every where for them dry ground high ground but was just seeing the odd one or two then a boy told me that the constant wet causes liver fluke and my heart sank.anyway this continued all winter as ido stay in thewettest part of the country then it dried up for about aweek and they just seemed to come out the wood work i was over the moon but were they went is a mystery?would they lie in realy big conifer woods in
  12. you wont have to wait long on whippet grews there mad keen always fancied that cross whats your main quarry
  13. shes just turned two have you any older dogs
  14. this is my half crossattachmentid=12778][
  15. strong looking pups are they whippets or whippet crosses nice pups
  16. 5 dog pups £300 each
  17. luke


    yes i work them 2 or 3 times aweek i have alitter of pups in the classifieds if any body interested
  18. south west scotland ayrshire
  19. litter of kc reg whippet pups sire of pups previous litter pups 1 week old
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