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Everything posted by luke

  1. but then iwould need to course them inferior irish hares
  2. my 13 week old whippet pups are taking in to the field for a run a round and when they show signes of tiring usually after about 10 to 15 minutes i put them back in there run. they shouldent be pushed at that age just left to do there own thing hope you get it sorted out
  3. pics are shit frank going to get a good slr camera for the winter chester has a good one a canon takes great pics just wish the law was the same here as were you are and we could post what we liked Ok, i take it back, their crap , i thought their wont too bad. I take it you had sucsess then.? Frank. no mate its just big ears a bout my way and i try to a void them at this time of year but it would be nice to post some pics when there in season but cant for this stupid law
  4. nice pics and dog mate its a horrible desease mate
  5. pics are shit frank going to get a good slr camera for the winter chester has a good one a canon takes great pics just wish the law was the same here as were you are and we could post what we liked
  6. bought these about two month a go was plagued by fleas tried every thing when i broke the old wooden ones up there were thousands of them under the wooden runners were you would never of got a pestiside in to these are great top just lifts off easy to clean and no hiding place for fleas and so far they havent been chewed there a good design
  7. sorry for boring youse with pics but feck all else better to do my lurcher pup is coming up on eleven month roll on september
  8. there a greyhound track in my town and they yoused to run a 264yards race and any thing that could break 15 seconds was open class so i think your stop watch is a bit out That wouldn't be "THE CURRAGH" by any chance Luke,I had a black dog that won a good few opens up there including 5.47 seconds for the 100yards. He also did 16.29s for 300yards at Carfin. thats the famous stadium mate
  9. lot of potential in that dog as a dog that can lead the bend is worth its weight in gold all the best with it mate
  10. there impressive times mate i take it the dog was open class?
  11. nice pups good luck with them
  12. your dogs are looking fit mate i cant wait till september
  13. nice steady looking dogs must be a joy to walk them
  14. Yeah i'm sure it did there a greyhound track in my town and they yoused to run a 264yards race and any thing that could break 15 seconds was open class so i think your stop watch is a bit out
  15. a good hare dog will sit be hind a hare an wait for the right moment to strike a dog that just keeps running fullpelt wont catch as many the best dog i had wouldent even sit behind it it would sit to the side of the hare waiting on it cutting a cross her.the dogs got to have the hare guessing what its going to do next as a preditable dog wont catch many hares and its the one thing that you cant guarantee in breeding
  16. its an obe hes needing for pulling that kind of shit its a small world mate youwill probably run in to him a gain
  17. does anybody work them to ground?there some smart dogs my favs i had a halve cross once hard as a coffin nail.i think most border owners dont want them marked up but there one of the few breeds that havent been spoiled by the kennel club.i run ped whippets and there cracking wee pot fillers game as hell but its the same with them the owners dont want them marked up but there must be some still working these wee dogs to ground cracking pics by the way
  18. must agree with you there chester there not a bad looking bunch of dogs
  19. spot on mate its like building a sports car its got to be able handle the road
  20. dont you start the day a hare can run at 50 mph it will be time to hang up the wellies.50mph hares and salukis that are faster than greyhounds what next rabbits with flick knives
  21. i remember it now mate do no what made me think it was broking coated memory like a hen
  22. had the pups out for there first walk today they are 13 weeks now the two bigger ones are 7 kilos and smaller one 6 seem to be putting on a kilo a week the silver brindle one is a mean little fecker but its due to go to its new home.there very bold nothing seems to bother them.
  23. i am hoping this one does quite well
  24. a greyhound does a hundred yards between 5 and 6 seconds i would think a good fast lurcher do it in about 7 seconds. scottish lurcher i know a greyhound cant run at 60 miles an hour just the same as a hare cant run at 50
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