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Everything posted by luke

  1. cracking looking dog in great nick all the best with it
  2. thats a belter mate best of luck with it
  3. thats a nice pup mate between 24 and 25 i reckon
  4. belter mate should make a very game dog
  5. luke

    friday the 13 th

    its wet stuck in the house with the mother in law who hates dogs and is here for a nother week how bad can get
  6. surely people wouldent buy off this guy knowing his breeding stock are no better off than battery hens i cant stomach neglect and every time you buy one your funding more missery
  7. nice wee whippet mate
  8. is it small grass parks you run your dogs on mate?fast and furios sport love it hows the pups coming on
  9. whats your favourite quarry and what dogs do you prefer to hunt it what type of land do you hunt my passion in live is day light hares although i like all types of hunting the type of dog that does well here on small grass parks is whippet/grew with a dash of working terrier ie russel beddy patterdale you need some thing thats quick and agile with a do or die attitude i also like the whippets for this sort of hunting so whats yours some pics of the dogs would be nice this is a pic of my old dog
  10. nice mate realy nice they should take all sorts best of luck with them and thanks for the pics
  11. luke


    seen the same thing with deer some will continually shake it long after its dead others will lose interest when it stops strugling i think its just down to the nature of the individual dog
  12. luke


    nice one handy looking team you got there
  13. i havent measured them mate but there solid wee feckers i reckon the dark one will make just over 20 tts and the light one slighty less hows they wee crackers of yours doing?and thanks to every body who replied all the best for the coming season
  14. counting the days mate
  15. nice dog be c..t to keep clean mate
  16. the sun always shines on gods country
  17. whippet pups 4 month old now great entertainment watching them run around twisting and turning spend as much time as i can spare at the moment with them just letting them do there own thing magic
  18. togi very comfy and reasonable price
  19. luke


    brings to mind a funny storymy mate went for a dump in the yard we used to work out of as there were no toilets he just done it in a quite corner un benone to him the watch dog had come up behind him and ate the lot so you can imagine his horror when he turned round to admire his handy work he thought he had shit in the back of his trousers
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