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Everything posted by luke

  1. when the dogs got its tongue back in and looks fresh.theres no time limit mate
  2. small cow fields very little crop fields about here mate
  3. the best way to get a good dog for up here is to breed to good hare dogs from our area an even better way is to get a pup out of a repeat mating that have proved there self in this area just my opinion mate
  4. cant beat a whippet for a bit of excitement
  5. some cracking looking dogs there especialy like deer/greyxwhippet
  6. lovely coloured pups mate best of luck with them
  7. take it you dont no much about whippets mate as a show dog ie a laguna bred dog or any other kc dog are what you make them.if you feed and condition them right they will work same as any other dog
  8. track or coursing both the same dog just conditioned differently. i would look for a bitch that has come through its coursing or racing carear with out many injuries just my opinion
  9. very simmilar looking to this bitch
  10. dont see many like that these days chalkie the problems finding a decent bedlington and then the last thing i would do was put it over a whippet it would be straight over a greyhound to make a far superior dog in my opinion
  11. they sure like there comfort mate smart pair of dogs you got there
  12. spot on bud if your anti hunting and eat meat your a hypocrit
  13. good catch dogs mate just stay back from the racing stuff the dog in the pick is out a ped dog and a distance bitch and still had to much pace for his own good
  14. your right del youve got to put a ped dog to the greyhound bitch the non ped racers have no stamina. the only problem with this cross is keeping them injury free an impossible task
  15. even wild animals fair better than that and a wild animal in that state would struggle to feed its self so i think the best thing he could do is turn it loose it would stand a better chance
  16. nice wee pup mate atb with the sale
  17. cracking pups there best of luck with them
  18. i think 8 eggs will do more harm than good could be wrong i was thinking more along the lines of a couple slice of toast nice and light before a hunt
  19. only you will know mate if the dog looks strong and full of energy and can do a good days graft with out ill efect and is bouncing about the next day then your on the money i dont rate dry meal unless its the high end stuff but i still prefer meat cheers mate wat is the best meat to feed them on or just any chicken or beef with some whole meal mixer mate
  20. only you will know mate if the dog looks strong and full of energy and can do a good days graft with out ill efect and is bouncing about the next day then your on the money i dont rate dry meal unless its the high end stuff but i still prefer meat
  21. spot on luke you should just see pin bones,i still give my dogs breakfast in the morning before i go for a run keeps energy in the tank for hard running,by the way your bitch last time out was looking a1 mate a credit to ye bud breakfast things a good idea bud never done it myself but makes sense
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