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Everything posted by Shazza

  1. Pup is now almost 9 months old and i'm very pleased with her progress, does everything i ask of her and a pleasure to spend time with. Roll on September
  2. Wizzies - when you want the boy dogs to take a leak quickly before bedtime Zoomies - when they take off larking about for no apparent reason, hubby says they got a flea up thier arse No idea where the sayings came from tho
  3. So how would a newbie go about getting thier 1st permission?
  4. i got a feeling your box may soon be full of invites,pm inbox i mean Maybe if someone needs a good laugh My friend just took a good vid of my pup messing around when we went out for a picnic by a river, pup got the crazy zoomies after going into water for the first time, unfortunately she stopped filming just before the pup leapt off a 5ft high bank at full speed and took my legs out from under me I was lucky not to end up in the river and none of my mates would help me up as they were too busy p*ssing themselves laughing!
  5. yep no mentor here either so i hope to figure it out quick before i ruin my pup. Can't wait to start her and sure there'll be plenty of mistakes on my part. She'll be 9 months old next week, roll on next season
  6. OMG that is hilarious Worst thing is i have envisaged doing the same thing with my pup when she starts this season, will let you know which of us catches the most between her & me
  7. Sadly thats how puppy farmers treat thier bitches, churn litter after litter out of them often killing the bitches and producing weak sickly pups in the process. They regularly look as "saggy" as this bullX bitch. The pictures taken pre the birth of this new litter looks very likely that the bitch has had several litters as the only time i've seen undercarriage that low was on rescue puppy-farm bitches. Poor dog
  8. Well i'll only be running one dog as i only have 1. With nobody local to go out with it's just going to be me and my dog.
  9. Get him on DogLost. Hope he's found & returned home soon
  10. Interesting to hear. I was told never to run mine with another dog but the only reason given was because it's likely the dogs would crash into each other. I used to take my Grew out for offlead excercise with one or two of my other dogs but had to resort to 1 to 1 with the grew because she kept crashing into the others and i saw a couple of high speed collisions which luckily just left them bruised.
  11. Thanks Tag, i just laughed tea all over my monitor
  12. Smart looking dogs, apart from the obvious GSD what's the breeding of the black one, i assume the pup has to be halfXgsd? Any more pics?
  13. Smart looking pup Hope he turns out well for you.
  14. After i posted it i thought that with some of the idiots on here they might do it on purpous for £££££'s If it helps anyone else from making the same mistake here is the post i just typed/deleted " I don't understand, you got her after she just had a litter and now she had more puppies? I don't see how that was an accident? A back to back mating, this happens when a dog is given access to a bitch that has just given birth. Ashamed to say when i was young/stupid/ & knew nothing about whelping i rescued a JR terrier heavily in pup (working ratter/owner died), she was
  15. Thanks for the read. I would have been full of excitement and fear at the same time. Glad it turned out well for you & dog
  16. The remaining pups look strong and healthy, best of luck with them, nice litter
  17. Had a foster/rescue dog a few years ago that nailed any mammal he could get his teeth into. I used to walk him late at night and one evening he managed to get into the shrubs and came out with a mouthful of hedgehog, he was making a racket and shaking his head like crazy then loosed the hog at speed straight into my left leg My leg swelled up immediately so off to the local A&E where they booked me in as "attacked by hedgehog" needless to say i had just about every doctor and nurse in to take a look at my wounds and 1 witty Doc counted the holes i'd got and said "with 27 pricks in 1 nig
  18. Really like your one Shazza, thats the type I like How do you find it for a first lurcher ? Well i have nothing to compare her to being my first running dog but i will say hand on heart that i am 110% happy with her. We bonded immediately, she has the right amount of brains (enough to train easily but not enough to get into trouble through boredom). Not too sensitive. She is very fast but sensible enough most of the time and learns from her own mistakes. Prey drive is plentiful as she has seen bunnies when out for excercise, too young to catch them then but instinct was spot on. She
  19. I have one and she's my first running dog. Currently 8 months old and not started yet but a pleasure to own, very fast, intelligent and easy to train 23tts.
  20. Last weekend we went camping to Scotland and took my 8 month old pup with us, had a great time and pup behaved perfectly and was a pleasure to have around and getting plenty of admirers. On the way home we spent a night in Yorkshire with friends and went to Kirby Lonsdale. My friend took this vid after my pup came out from taking a dip and decided the best way to dry off was to charge about like a loon hope this works
  21. If you change your mind and keep the black pup can i have first refusal on the brindle bitch please?
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