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Everything posted by Shazza

  1. I tried mine last night first time. Full moon, cloud vanished and fields lit up like daytime, rabbits vanished, got 2 decent runs but no catch, still enjoyed ourselves though. We will keep trying
  2. At 5 months she's still got some growing to do, don't worry about it mate a lot of good rabbit dogs are only around the 18" mark
  3. Ditto mate Have nothing against the guys hunting other quarry or thier dogs, just that for me i want to be able to make use of what i catch feeding myself or the dogs.
  4. Thinking along these same lines, i adore my dog and would be devastated if she met an early end............but...........the thought of never letting her offlead to do what she was bred for seems even more cruel imo. I would rather take the risk and run her & let her have a wonderful happy life than keep her on-lead walks and lying on the sofa bored to death.
  5. A very cute wee pup. Should grow into a cracking rabbit dog. Keep up with the basic training & socialising. Get a copy of "Purdey's Progress" on DVD, has great advice on rearing a lurcher for the first year, i've found it good for a 1st time owner
  6. Losing a much loved dog whether it's a family pet or worker is like a knife through the heart The best way you can honor her memory is to take on a youngster to occupy your mind & time, an empty home is cold & unwelcoming. Get yourself a pup, i'd go for something a bit different because you are not replacing your girl. You sound like a very good & caring owner and some lucky pup would land on it's feet with you. Time will ease the pain but not erase the memories. Atb mate
  7. Well i apologise I don't know the bitch or dog or the history of good running dogs. I've just heard of so many people getting a bitch, having a litter as fast as possible for big money and then ditching the bitch once they cashed in. Obviously not the case with such well bred stock. I just read the situation wrong with you having a litter off her straight away. Atb with her & litter. I do think they look well, takes a lot out of a bitch with a large litter and she looks pretty good
  8. If it has an ear tattoo he needs to contact the National Tattoo register and give them the details, they should then contact the owner and reunite them Edited to add telephone number of register 01255 552455
  9. Sorry to hear that mate.................. no it doesn't stop thieving scumbags but it gives a better chance of getting a dog back than just a tag on a collar or nothing but a photo to pass about.
  10. The tattoo is done all in one go with a crimp like clamp so the ear has to be big enough to get the whole number/letters on. Once crimped they smear an ink over the inside of the ear which dyes the freshly broken skin, after a few days the excess ink comes off and the detailed tattoo can be clearly seen. I've had a litter done in the past and they do squeel like crazy but soon forget about it. The ink also has a soothing painkiller added so once applied it takes the sting away. Tattoo's (from my experience) are a little more distressing than getting them microchipped but the reasurranc
  11. So jealous of you! Lucky, lucky man, atb with her
  12. So you had just got the bitch and immediately put her in pup
  13. It depends on the size and breeding in your dog and its mental maturity. Some dogs take a lot longer to grow both mentally & physically and when one dog may be mature enough to start at 8 months another may be 12-14 months or even older before it's capable to be entered without risk of doing permanent damage to growing limbs.
  14. Just read through to here and wanted to add a little. I am a first time running dog owner and have a now 9 month old Grew, she is honestly the best & most loyal dog i've ever owned. Speed, grace, brains, nose and a lovely character to live with. I couldn't have picked an easier dog to be my first hunting partner and whilst neither of us are perfect i have high hopes that she'll do me proud this season and hopefully many more. I'd definately have a pure whippet given the chance, i don't need a macho dog just one that does what i ask of it.
  15. Build a good bond with him and work on obedience, best place to start
  16. Whats wrong with watering the track? Been to the non ped whippet racing and they started early morning watering the track to soften the ground a little, it's not rocket science
  17. Sorry to hear that mate, RIP Ziggy
  18. LOL Breeze you must have stood right next to me to take the Champion pup picture as thats right about the same place i watched from. I went on my own, was my first Lurcher show and came 3rd in the smooth puppy under 12 months. Was really pleased as i think there were about 10 dogs in the class. That brindle was nice tho A nice day out even if i was a billy no mates
  19. Taken me 20 minutes to find this thread, wanted to read again as it was so funny and thought i'd bump it back up for more to get added (hopefully)
  20. If she run off with my hubby i'd be well chuffed, worth every penny so cheques in the post
  21. I use photobucket, register and upload pics to there then copy and paste the 4th code into your post here and pic appears. Totally free
  22. Now i'd have thought you would offer a trial there mate if you're telling the truth................. sure you could prove she'd not dissapoint
  23. Lovely pups, when there's a few breeds in the mix you're always gonna get pups that inherit different characteristics and size is just one of them. I gotta ask Is that real grass or astro-turf?
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