Everything crossed for your lads dog recovering.
He did the hard part getting the dog to a vet still alive, he's in the best place.
Hoping for good news as much as you are.
Aren't ticks usually dark coloured as they are filled with the blood of the animal they are sucking. All the ones i have removed have been a deep purple colour engorged with blood.
I'd get it removed due to it's location,even if it is just a harmless wart, if the dog accidently bites it it'll bleed a lot and would cause pain.
Mine for a start
Lost my Staffy 18 months ago due to Vet not believing me even though i knew the cause of his illness, he'd eaten a foreign object. I begged the Vet to open him up and remove it as the dog couldn't eat/drink. Vet insisted on a course of AB's! Took him to another vet who refused to operate without X-rays, couldn't see anything as the object was a plastic carrier bag he stole out the trash so refused to open him up. My dog died 5 days later.
You can't even do anything about them because they all back each other up
Would have thought a snakebite would also start swelling straight away not a couple of days later, guys are right though, snakes are well away in thier winter stupour now
I've been told walking on moving surfaces can help with loose feet so the beach is a good suggestion. I was specifically told to walk a dog over gravel tightens up feet.
I've never had a dog with loose feet so never tried any of these but maybe the guys are right and there's nothing you can do about it.
I buy my food from Mad Dog as well, top quality food/ingredients, good prices and very fast delivery. Save more money by ordering in bulk. My dogs love it and look good on it.
Ex landlords son picked up an irish racing greyhound from the dogs home, she was a prolific bunny & squirrel killer, worked her day and night but also had cats, birds, chickens and yorkshire terriers on the menu if she got the chance.
Have known a couple of dogs in the past with a split personality like you describe, one of them was a staffy as well.
Unfortunately none of them could be sorted out and the staffy attacked it's owner so badly they needed surgery on thier arms and lost the use of 2 fingers, sorry mate but i don't think you should ever trust the dog with your wife or anyone else, if it were mine i would have it PTS.
With the extra info it does sound more like a fear issue and not dominance. If that is the case do not raise your voice or hand to him, fear biters are the worse kind.
You really need to keep reassuring him, use toys or tidbits, whatever he prefers to give him confidence that your not bad to be around (wife needs to do it as well).
Unfortunately it's a long road to sort him out so if you haven't got time i would look to rehome him to an experienced person aware of his issues.
I'm no fan of hitting dogs but sometimes it has to be done and if a few boots up the backside (don't slap him as he could bite and you dont want hands or face too close) shows him humans are boss then it'll save his life.
You got to make him understand without a doubt that you (and your wife) are in charge and will tolerate no back chat off him. If he's still intact i would get him snipped asap which will also lower his status a peg or two.
Keep the training consistant from both you and the wife, stand no nonesense off the dog at all.
A trained dog who knows it's place is a happy dog.
Sorry PPower i misread your question, i am in Chelmsley Wood.
AS for those that only post to insult and inflame people, i have read plenty of threads and can see how they work. Pity because they ruin the site but if everyone just ignored all the stupid remarks the muppets would have nothing to respond to and may just decide it's not worth it and get a life of thier own.
I'm new to all this but have a passion for running dogs. I am here to learn as much as i can before getting a dog. I have recieved helpful advice and offers of mentoring which i am very grateful for, even if some numpties feel the need to make sarky comments towards someone wanting to get started.
Not everyone is lucky enough to live in the correct place and be born with the skills required so we have to learn somewhere, passsing on ones knowledge and experience is what creates the hunters of tomorrow and keep hunting life going.