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Everything posted by Shazza

  1. Think i'd be torn between horseback hunting in USA or Europe, i prefer the US for the language thing but europe would allow me to take my own dog which i'd prefer to try
  2. The owner did get him back & no harm done The dog is actually a flat coat retriever as he & his owner were tracked down by the press, owner declined to comment though for fear of getting prosecuted for deer hunting All he would say was that Fenton is young & energetic but is staying on the lead in future
  3. Donna's in the local chippy on a spit
  4. Bumping up for you mate, hope you get him back. Have you posted him on DogLost?
  5. It werent me Dad, honest He just wanted a new bed for Christmas
  6. I've heard about several thiefts recently around the Dudley/Wolverhampton areas including a whippet bitch and her litter of pups. All the thefts are running dogs. Thieving barstewards Some taken from outside kennels, others from inside houses.
  7. Weigh yourself then pick dog up and weigh yourself again, subtract your weight and your left with the dogs weight All the pups look like belters
  8. Really hope you get her back safe & sound.
  9. Here Rossi, i finally managed to upload your pic for you.......... Rossi-J and Sky's 1st catch (few weeks ago now)
  10. Thanks guys, got a few offers and hope to be able to report back that we caught our first rabbit soon
  11. Not too far..... dog is greyXwhip (mostly) Litter sister to Rossi-J's pup
  12. is the grew the dog you had with you at the show? Yes Trigger
  13. Good point! I do not have any permission yet as the first place i asked the landowner wanted to see my dog work and i couldn't do that because she was too young. Haven't asked again as i'd feel a complete dummy letting him see my dog chase and just let the rabbits get away (she wont pick up yet)
  14. Hi guys/gals Just wondering if anyone in the west midlands or surrounding areas would help me out starting my pup. I have a grew almost 13 months old, good recall/retrieve and drive but hasn't yet got a strike so i'd really like her to see an experienced dog working so the penny drops. I'm learning myself as i go along but have probably made mistakes with her and would find it useful myself to see what i need to tidy up on. I'm new to this myself so don't know anyone who i could ask to help out. If there's anything you want to know please ask here or in PM, but please keep it sensib
  15. So sorry for your loss of your best friend. There are no words that sum up the pain you feel when you lose your companion but it's true that another never replaces them but helps to heal a broken heart. RIP Tilly xx
  16. Go on my own, would prefer company but i have no friends
  17. Does anyone else see a correllation between price and believability? I only have one dog and she's my first so not a lot to go on but i'd believe the lad/lass selling a £50 pup which is obviously well reared about what the parents do and they bred to keep one themselves and just selling surplus pups, no profit in it just recovering what they've laid out. Someone selling £200+ pups is more for profit instead of covering costs, to me i'd suspect they were making up the parents abilities to get the cash, often they have no intention of keeping one themselves so the only reason for breeding w
  18. Fingers crossed for a fast & full recovery.
  19. Hubby works in drainage and he has a jab against weils as he works where rats live. You do have to go to the docs and pay for it though.
  20. I think you have to do what is best for the individual dog. If it has the temperament to be happy laying on a sofa and forming a happy relationship with someone as a pet then either keep it as one or rehome as a pet. If it's insured or you feel obliged to then fix it up first, if not you can contact rescues that'll take it on. Some dogs live purely to work and don't have an "off" switch where they would settle to life as a pet so in that case it's kinder to the dog to PTS. As the dogs owner only you can honestly say whether you feel it would be happy as a pet or not, there's a lot of p
  21. I know all vaccines have a small minority that don't provide adequate protection, just thought it a bit unusual to hear of two dogs getting it. Sad all the same.
  22. Thought the Lepto jab was for Weils? Pretty sure it's covered under standard vaccs so were the dogs vaccinated? Sorry to hear of the loss though
  23. Oh come on guys.........Wilf will be saying next that he didn't even post this, he left himself logged in and the bloody dog has posted on his account...... i take it the dog thinks Wilf is 35 and is obviously past his prime. Those of you who told him to shoot it had better change thier forum names before the cops be knocking on thier door to charge them with telling a dog to shoot it's owner
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