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Everything posted by Shazza

  1. I don't think she'd even notice if he found the right place Hahahahaha! Knew of a litter of St Bernard X Jack rusells once. Total accident, Russel dug in under the fence and the SB bitch lay on her back to be mated. 11 pups
  2. Hay carries spores and molds that can cause breathing problems and allergies so i wouldn't use it for dogs. A lot of horses are affected by hay allergies and have to be fed soaked hay so i wouldn't take the risk of using it for the dogs either
  3. I was going to say she looked show type to me but thought you might think i was insulting her so i kept quiet She's a lovely looking bitch and clearly capable of the job, well done mate
  4. Great stuff, keep it coming
  5. Well let Slip post pics of this tree stump injury and everyone can see whether they were truthful or not
  6. So after not seeing your dog as an emergency, as if that wasn't bad enough, they now make you wait all day for an afternoon appointment! At the very least they should have told you to bring the dog in as soon as the surgery opened this morning. You really do need to find a better Vet. ATB though, hope the dog is OK.
  7. Just what i was thinking ........... i find it really hard to believe that vet's 24 HOUR emergency service, wouldn't see the dog. Its good business for them if nothing else. Maybe i am just used to exceptionally good vets? Not everyone is lucky enough to have good vets. I know when my nans dog suffered a heart attack at 10pm on a Saturday night the vet did not want to come out to it. Eventually agreed to meet them at the surgery after 20 minutes arguing on the phone and the dog died in the car on the way there, they still got charged £75 for getting the vet out after hours even t
  8. Really sorry to hear that, hope the pups OK. Vets are a joke sometimes, an Emergency or out of hours call is because the owner is worried enough to want to see a Vet immediately which includes the hefty emergency fee. Lets face it, most of us who have kept dogs know ourselves when something can wait til tomorrow or needs to be seen straight away so they should see your dog if you want them to.
  9. Your lab would if it's a boy as so is my poodle and he's not that way inclined LOL
  10. If you buy it from a farm or equestrian supplies it's very cheap for a bale compared to a bag from a pet shop. Great if you have a smooth coated dog but a pain getting it out of a longer or rough coat. Don't let it get wet as it stinks rotten, changed regularly it's a decent bedding, comfortable and warm. Hope that helps (and it's just my opinion)
  11. you think that was a good little earner check out this joker! http://www.trade-it.co.uk/pets-dogs-otherbreedsofdogs/region-w-uk-bristol-south-west-wiltshire-swindon/AustralianLabradoodleCreamFemaleLitter-12170117.html?impression=normal_impression HOW MUCH Right i am putting my standard poodle out to stud for all you lab owners to get rich, stud fee is price of a puppy LMAO!
  12. Oh that does make me feel better, good on the pair of you, good things come back on you tenfold
  13. Don't know if i could have bared to leave any of them there in that situation, i'd have taken them all and locked the c**t in the filthy cellar. Not saying anything bad about the great thing you did in getting 2 of the pups away from that hell hole, you are a star Stoat
  14. Some people will do anything for money and there's even more idiots who'll buy them
  15. You need an old type starter motor with the long arm, go to a scrap yard and look for an old motor. (I'm not that technical but i asked my hubby lol)
  16. I'm in Birmingham, thanks for the help
  17. It would be a 24/7 job mate with 2 or more pups. Main problem is getting them to bond with you instead of each other. Would be easier if you have individual kennels for each pup and can work with them individually for short periods of time. Even then it's going to take up a lot of time with a short training session with each pup followed by play time & excercise (though you could excercise them together). I've had pups 6 months apart and found it much easier to train them than 2 i had at the same time, when neither of them bonded to me as they were kept together.
  18. Have you thought about joining a non ped whippet raceing club great people. My pup is only a little bit of whippet and mostly greyhound, if they'd let me join i'd be very interested, can you PM me details of how to, thanks
  19. Where's that? Can you PM me details as i don't want to steal the thread, cheers
  20. I think the nearest flapping to the west midlands would be up the M6 to Bolton (Westhoughton)they put lurcher trials and racing most sunday afternoons, half 12 ish Thanks mate.
  21. Something i've always been interested in but Irelands a bit too far. Anyone know of any flapper tracks in the west midlands?
  22. Look at it this way............ if the dogs aren't in any pain then give them time and a good chance. Knew someone who took on a rescued GSD puppy only 5 months old with terrible back legs, vet said it wasn't in any pain but neither would it make 'old bones' so they agreed to give him as good a life as they could for as long as he was happy, when the time came that he was no longer mobile without pain they had him PTS. He had 18 months of a great life, short but worth it.
  23. Grey squirrels are not native to Britain and have almost decimated the native red squirrel, if my dog catches a grey tree rat i wont lose any sleep over it
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