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Everything posted by Shazza

  1. So sorry to hear she didn't come right but rest assured you did what was best for her, it's always worse when it's a pup thats robbed of a good long life. RIP Mouse, run fast and free without pain.
  2. I hope your pup makes a full recovery mate. 2 years ago 2 of my pet dogs were playing and one ran full pelt into my staffy, she was only a small poodle and knocked herself out. Carried her inside and she seemed paralized and could only move her eyes, no response to toe pinch etc. Left her in a warm bed and 12 hours later she could lift her head, 24 hrs and she got to her feet. Took a good 2 weeks for her stiffness to go but she's 100% again after that Hope yours has as good an outcome.
  3. This is exactly what mine is doing, in fact the only time she is quiet is when she's asleep.
  4. Phew, this is my first lurcher and i was worried she'd scare everything away with the noise she makes
  5. I have a 4 month old Grew and i'm worried about how vocal she is. Haven't done anything with her except bonding, retrieving and obedience training but she's very vocal. If i don't throw the dummy quick enough, she see's another dog she wants to go play with, she wants to go say hello to someone (like in the park or out on a walk) she gets frustrated and starts yapping like crazy and wont shut up. Should i be worried and how do i stop the noise?
  6. I wouldn't do it, but i would find the dogs sire and use him (bitches grandsire) this would be a far better mating You could also look for another dog off the same sire but different dam so half-brother and use him.
  7. Are they Grews? I'm hoping to do this with my pup when she's older, good pics mate
  8. Thats why i posted it mate as i know there's a few lads round the area. Not too far away from me either
  9. Valuable dog stolen after owner assaulted on road By tim healy A dog owner has told how a gang of men pushed him into a ditch and made off with his valuable lurcher while he was out walking. Colin Hill was exercising his pet dog, Moxy, along a rural road near his home in East Farndon, Market Harborough, when a van pulled up beside him and three men got out. Mr Hill said the men approached him and initially asked if he would sell the dog. "I said I was not interested and started to walk off," he said. "One of the men came after me and asked me again to sell the dog. C
  10. I'd report him as lost to every pound you can and describe him being marked up from a scuffle with your old dog?
  11. Looks great mate Is it just for peds?
  12. The dam to my pup is a bull/whip/grey and is the black/white one on the left 23" i believe Sorry i dont know any more about her though.
  13. Not something i've ever heard of but would like some more details please. What do they do? why did you go to one? what result? that kind of thing, cheers
  14. Thanks mate, will definately be speaking to you on Monday. Hopefully able to talk better by then
  15. And the dog shit was always chalky and white ah those were the days :laugh: ..and you could get mojo's & blackjacks for 1/2p each.. Good times.. Thanks i feel really old now
  16. There was a thread on this last week with quite a few pics of members kennels if yo do a search or look at older posts you should find it
  17. bitches are different they don,t allway go on the 10th or the 12th ,14th ,i thought i,d miss my bitch and then me and my pal was just on a dog walk and bang the dog was tied on a public footpath 16th day and then repeated 2 days later ,my bitch done this twice the 2 times i bred her Very true mate but the majority of bitches will be 10-12th day, the stud dog will let you know as if the bitch isn't ready he'll soon lose interest. I'd much rather go early and have to go back a few days later than the bitch go over an have to wait for her next season to try again.
  18. The bitch should be mated between the 10th & 12th days of her heat (counting the day she started to bleed as day 1). If possible put her to the dog on the 10th & 12th days. Count 9 weeks from the day she first ties with the dog and thats when you should expect the puppies to arrive tho as said they can be upto 2 days early or late but not usually more than that. A fit healthy bitch shuldn't have any problems but i always sit with mine from start to finish to make sure and it does take hours, anything upto an hour between pups being born is normal with the time getting a bit longer as
  19. Very upsetting to see mate, a lot of people should be banned from ever keeping animals. Have you tried taking some fresh meat out with you to tempt the Saluki? Most starving dogs can overcome thier fear if they're that hungry
  20. If i saw anything as bad as that i would need to help all the dogs and not just the one you took. Yes it's stealing but damned if you do, damned if you dont situation. Make amends for what you did by getting the rest of them out of that hell hole
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