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Everything posted by Shazza

  1. How old is the dog? Is it used to a crate or do you just shove it in there at night? 1 week is still early days and they take different times to settle in depending on age and what they were used to. Try leaving a radio on low so the dog doesn't feel abandoned when you leave it
  2. Superb pups, a real credit to you I've always wanted a whippet and got myself a grew though i'd still love a pure whippet, i love the brindle girl, stunning. I'm partial to the blue pup as well, hell they are all lovely lol. I only keep bitches though so outta luck this time
  3. To much fat on a puppy isnt great for young bones either, theres a balance.......... Yeah it does depend on the type/build of dog and whether it's too greedy. I would never let anything get too chubby. Mine aren't greedy and they share happily, everyone looks well and only eats what they need so i'm happy too. I do put one large bowl of food out per day and am here when they have access to it so i know they are all eating well and there's no arguments. I've fed like this for a few years now and never had any problems, just lucky i guess
  4. I feed mine Chudleys greyhound racer (aprox £18 for a 15kg bag) and it's great stuff, dogs love it and my 8 month old looks fantastic on it, glossy coat (she's black and everyone comments on her super shiny coat). Low poop output and no farts.
  5. I've never tried to call a fox but my mobile did when i got a text message when out for a late evening walk, got a huge dog fox trailing me about 20ft away and i couldn't get rid of it for over 1/2 an hour, drove my dog crazy
  6. He's a cracker, my kind of dog
  7. Not a great pic as she never keeps still but here's mine, 5/8's GH X 3/8's whippet aged 7 months and 22tts
  8. I wouldn't even take the chance of letting the 2 dogs together even if your pup doesn't seem to have a clue right now' it don't take long for him to change his mind. I have a litter of Chihuahua's here and Dad was only 16 weeks old when he tied the bitch
  9. 5/8 Grey X 3/8 whipp. At 14 weeks at 4 months and 7 months (22tts)
  10. i get an image of a bulldog on stilts
  11. Just the perfect match to the image of the lurcher i always wanted. Think i'm going to be taking a road trip south in a few months Stunners mate, a credit to you, the bitches owner and the new pups owners
  12. Yeah I thought £200/£250 was too much to pay I would rather get a pup from working parents thanks lads There was some beauty pups on her yesterday wernt collie x though , all big strong pups there was 3 left think do you know who was selling them wouldn't mind some pics Look in the for sale section, 3 strong lurcher pups, 150 each, 2 dogs & 1 bitch left and they look like crackers
  13. Hopefully things will look up now yours is eating a little. Maybe it was just a reaction to something like a bite or sting making him feel really bad. I'm sure the barium would have pointed out any blockage, pity mine wasn't offered that. Fingers crossed he continues to improve and is soon back to his old self
  14. If it's any use to you i just took the pulse of my 7 month old grew (22tts), 68bpm and she's sprawled out on the sofa chilling
  15. Are you absolutely sure he hasn't eaten anything he shouldn't have? Just that what you describe is exactly the same as my staffy showed last year, totally baffled me until he passed a little bit of plastic and it turned out to be a carrier bag i had no idea he'd gotten hold of (maybe blew over the fence). He had all the same tests including X-rays & ultrasound, blood tests the lot and all came back clear. Soon as i found out what he'd eaten i rushed him back to the vets but they wouldn't believe me and refused to open him up because the 'tests' were clear I took him to another vet and
  16. Well done mate, glad you stuck with her. I went to the whippet racing last month and there was a yearling there that also broke a back leg at 5 months old, had the op & pins fitted and it was up & racing and doing very well so ATB for as good an outcome for yours mate in a working capacity.
  17. Lovely looking pup mate. My first lurcher is now 7 months, it's a great feeling to finally have one along with all the hopes & dreams you have for it. ATB with her & enjoy!
  18. For working dogs i like short single syllabel names, mine is called Fly.
  19. I'm a moderator on a bikers forum, we have to approve the first 3 posts of all new members and it weeds out the spammers and d*ckheads, sounds like that would be a good idea here too
  20. Has she actually got milk or just droopy teats? If there's no milk i wouldn't worry about it. Some bitches never regain thier figure after rearing a litter especially if the pups were weaned late and the bitch fed them too long. Another reason is she may have had more litters than you was told about
  21. At least he has some mates to show him the ropes This will be my first season and i'm teaching myself and my first dog so i have no experience what so ever but my pup is now 7 months, 5/8 Grey X 3/8 Whip and she's doing me proud, very easy to live with, eager to please and is coming along a treat with her training & prey drive. I'm very pleased with her so far
  22. Glad to hear it, ATB for a good litter
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