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Everything posted by wyliecoyote

  1. wyliecoyote


    pot noodle sandwhiches mmm has to be beef & tomato tho used to live on them at lunch time at work
  2. I reckon you should PM scotsman he does that nonsense for a living
  3. wyliecoyote


    Cant remenber the last time i was in a pub , dont drink to excess just three or four ice cold Buds on a friday night at home after working all week, i usually start gabbing to much so my boyfriend disappears upstairs onto the comp coz he cant hear the tv for me good way to get the remote
  4. so how did the show go on sunday didnt get afterall
  5. cheers for that should get there no prob now just plumb it into the sat nav
  6. Im intending going to the show tommorrow , just having a look at map on the net but its bringing up two options , murton - new castle upon tyne or murton village - new castle upon time ?? or does anyone have a rough idea of the postcode
  7. My partner and i had the dog up the park and he made me walk full length of park so the dog would run to me, i told him dont let him off while my backs turned.... you guessed it he came charging up the park like red rum ploughed right into me knocked me about a metre up in the air then to add insult to injurey he kept jumping all over the top of me trying to pull my hairband out how i escaped broken bones i'l never know lets just say pay backs comming scotsman beware !!
  8. Just after a few opinions , i dont have a constant supply of rabbit to feed my 3 ferts with due to not being able to get out as much as i would like and freezer space for keeping them in , is fresh pig / ox heart a good enough substitute for feeding ive heard a few people say dont give them liver but with heart being a muscle just wondered if it would make good feeding for them
  9. wyliecoyote


    As a large dog and cat owner im well aware that when my cat enters anyones garden particular ones with dogs in them hes putting himself at risk as anyone who came creeping into my garden without my permission would be...
  10. hi just thought id post this pic of my kitts from last summer with my dog, he's a perfect gent with the stinkies
  11. :yes I think it has something to do with being bone idle.. .. i do get rid of the ice now and again when i can be arsed.. :whistle: .. Millet get a hair dryer at it sorted
  12. i bred my albio hob with a albino x pole and got albinos and poles also bred a albio x pole jill to a albino x pole hob and got silvers and poles .
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