agree totally cant stand the prick who does he think he is notice he always sits out of smacking reach when he's gobbing off i know what id like to do to him :black eye:
well 'i'll be sitting in the house with my beers shouting "COME ON THE SCOTS " and scotsman ? well he'l be sitting up the stairs on THL . come on the scots!!!!
snowed here all morning till about two then mr frosty set in apparently to be about minus five tonight just been out with dogs went from a couple of wisps to cant come down any harder
this question came up on a local radio station recently when they have a phone in with a local vet , but the bitch in question was due to have pups . he said it was a lack of protein in the diet and to feed little and often and to break the habit to muzzle said bitch whilst it was out for loo . have also heard that pineapple does the trick.
lived on the farm all my life up until two years ago im the youngest of four and the only girl always went ferreting, fishing then a bit older lamping and some shooting still ferreting and lamping oldest bro hairyarsedscotsman ferrets and shoots still another bro shoots and fishes and the third bro goes fishing now and again none of my other relatives are interested
im with autotrader at the moment for 1 year £117 for a pug 406 1.8 nissan navara outlaw £400 but ive been driving for 14 years when i first started driving had a fiesta insured it myself to get my no claims built up quicker and that was £450 from a local broker
the vet i use for my dogs if any treatment is needed they never mention how much it'l cost its always " is he insured ? ". now i heard from a relative who works for a vetineray hospital in midlothian that the vet makes more money if its payment through insurers rather than the payment from the client
when we live in their countries we have to accomodate there traditions and religions so if they want to live here they should be made to accomodate ours