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Everything posted by tote

  1. She looks a wee cracker mate.
  2. I was kinda hoping nobody would ask anyway here goes- The dam was 23"-Greyhound/Whippet/Bedlington. The sire was 27" he was a mix of-Greyhound/Bull/Whippet and Collie [mostly Greyhound] I think that's about right Troy
  3. I'm not sure mate,SJM will be able to tell you.
  4. I saw the brother in laws pup today Sarah,he's a cracker. Spent most of the time asleep on the couch.
  5. Here is a few pics of the pups Jimmy and I got from Troy.Jimmy is away on holiday so I've got the job of walking and feeding Bob for him.Him and Amy are now nearly 7 months old and about 24" tts.
  6. Okay I've finally managed it,this is not a debate on the merits of feeding one or the other I just thought it would be intresting to see the results For what it's worth I feed both raw and Gain greyhound.
  7. Sorry fecked it up trying to put a poll on
  8. A lot depends on the ground you're hunting,most of my permission is either dairy,beef or arable farms.This means the grass is usually always short and the rabbits have nowhere to hide so they don't stray far from their buries during the day.I might come across the odd one sitting out in a clump of nettles and if the dog gets 2 or 3 on a walk out it's done well. I have one bit of permission on a hill farm where the rabbits lie out in the rushes during the day.It's a joy to watch the dog working it's way through these rushes,trying to flush the rabbits out and catch them before they ge
  9. It's the middle of the summer lads harmless banter torte...........................................lets not get emotionally charged & shit Chill Paul, only a few months to wait
  10. It's the middle of the summer lads
  11. Try http://www.blackcatmedicines.co.uk/ I've just recieved my order and they are as cheap as I could find
  12. I wouldn't be sharing that with anybody lucus
  13. picked up a new pup today 2nd generation 1/2 bull x very timid at the minute but will brake his shell soon he is 8 weeks old all black with tiny white spot on chest and his 2 left feet Above was the start of your post on 14th July Mick,now if my maths are correct the pup will be just short of 10 weeks F**k it let's all start again What age is the pup now Mick? There are plenty of lads/lassies on here that will be able to give you the right advice Mick.
  14. Well said ferret15,come on Mick I can't wait to hear your explanation
  15. Hi Mick,I note you are having a go at the forum members who had you down as a messer Are you actually surprised they thought that way about you.I make you're most recent lurcher pup to be the third in a short space of time . I am wondering if you just take the first pup that becomes available Usually when someone is thinking about getting a lurcher pup they do a bit of research first.EG work out what quarry you will be working the dog on and what way you would prefer the said dog to be bred Looking back at your posts every pup seems to have been bred differently,I take it from tha
  16. Could it have been my brother in law
  17. I can remember when I first started ferreting many years ago,my mate and I covered 10 holes with purse nets then entered a young polecat coloured hob. A couple of minutes later a stoat exited one of the holes in a hurry Well after that we didn't expect any rabbits to be at home.We were wrong,the young hob worked his way through the bury bolting 11 rabbits in the next hour I've had 29 from one massive warren but the 11 I got with the young hob was far more memorable.
  18. Air Arms S410K....Crossman Acu-Pell.
  19. tote

    CRUEL B#####D

    It's something that no one should witness But I do know that it did happen on three occasions,one of them was a dog I was holding
  20. tote

    Other forums?

    Sea trout fishing. Flappers dream. Earth dog running dog. Greyhound scene. And here.
  21. tote

    CRUEL B#####D

    Hi FastDogz,I'm going to have to disagree with you on the above quote,the bolt gun will be swifter and less painless way of putting a dog to sleep than an injection at the vets[doesn't mean i'm for or against either,just stating a fact]. More than the once I've heard of a vet giving a greyhound a lethal injection then a minute later when the dog is still alive having to give it some more,the reason being "he's a very strong dog" there is no way I think that is humane or dignified. Anyway that said I can see from your posts you have a real soft spot for the breed and long may it
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