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Everything posted by tote

  1. tote

    177 0r 22

    I've had both over the years and knocked plenty of vermin over with both calibres. No doubt about it a .177 is more accurate thanks to the flatter trajectory[a girls gun ] In the end it's down to personal preference,like king ratcatcher says .20 could be an alternative, flatter than a .22 and more stopping power than a .177.
  2. Let's hope we get a better run of sea trout this year Aled,last year up here on the Nith was very poor as it was across most of the country. Tight lines next summer.
  3. Have to agree fieldmarshall,there could be various reasons why a dog might jack, it's all to easy to say f##k it he's jacked let's put it down. Better to call it a night take the dog home and have a good look over it to see if you can spot any injuries.I always wash my dogs feet after a nights lamping,checking for cuts and toe injuries. If you don't find anything check the dog over the following morning making sure he is sound more than likely there will be a niggle somewhere,every dog should be entitled to a second chance. Saying all that,is it not up to the owner of the dog to read
  4. The dog is 3/8 collie X 5/8 greyhound the rabbit was bolted by the ferrets,I don't bother with purse nets when i'm out for sport,on that day the dog caught 9 out of 11 bolted rabbits. Here he is patrolling the top of the burie.
  5. Here's a pic of my dog retrieving a rabbit Simon.If you have a look in the ferreting section you will find a thread asking how much everyone can get for the rabbits they catch,in general the price is poor,even for clean unmarked rabbits.
  6. Going by the top pic it looks like he's feeding it on rabbit
  7. Houndblair keep the hutch clean and no harm will come to you're jills,manys the time i've had jills in season during the spring and summer and they have been fine
  8. Shooting with the air-rifle,a bit of long netting if the wind gets up and training a lurcher pup. I've also got 2 greyhounds which I race all year . Then there's the sea trout and salmon fishing from may onwards
  9. absolutely mate...lifes too short...and yes i know the next question.....what about a paedo ? if i knew where he lived id grab some desperate junkie and chuck him a few quid to go and sort him. some people are capable of grassing mate,some are not its that simple. Gnasher16 I understand what you are saying I think,but what happens when the only 2 options are to either report an incident or kid on you never seen it? OK here's an example you are the only witness to see a 4 year old kid get knocked down and killed by a speeding motorist,you don't recognise the driver or the car,but
  10. All the best barrel,hope it's okay. What happened to the toe?
  11. You don't say what you want it for mate as it could make a difference. I do quite a bit of lamping with the lurchers. My own preference is for the lazerlight lamp and 7amp battery. It has a nice tight beam and can last up to 3 hours depending on how often the lamp is on. If that's not long enough get a 10amp battery to go with the lamp.
  12. Charlotte from what i've read you reported the owners as a last resort,I don't think there was anything else you could have done[other than let the dogs go through more suffering].So you're consious should be clear. Perhaps the question you should be asking is,what would everyone else have done in the circumstances? Or you could of asked them what options you had. As for donating to the RSPCA I wouldn't give them the reek off my shite
  13. tote


    All the best mate,hope everything turns out OK. I'm not yet at the teenage years,my boys are 12, 9 and 5months.
  14. tote


    A soldier was given the job of hunting for buffalo. To help him, he hired an Indian Scout. The two of them set off on their journey to find buffalo. After riding awhile, the Indian gets off his horse, puts his ear to the ground and says "Humm, buffalo come". The soldier scans the area with his binoculars, but sees nothing. He is confused and says to the Indian, "I do not see anything, how do you know buffalo come"? and the Indian replies, "ear sticky". A nun is teaching at Sunday school and asks the class " When you die, which part of you goes to Heaven first?" Little Susie puts her hand
  15. My brother in law used nothing but Eley wasp in his TX200 and the grouping was spot on, just shows it's not always the dearest pellets that suit.
  16. Abit steep £122 for the box,one 8ft collar and leather pouch, i'd rather be selling than buying.
  17. Brock,just out of intrest mate where do you're dogs run?
  18. It was a lovely day so I went for a walk round some of my permission I was surprised to see so many young rabbits above ground.
  19. What did you have her jagged with Paula? Years ago I had a greyhound bitch injected at the vets with a season suppresant that lasted 5 months,never again she lost 5 lengths and that was just over the sprint trip Here's a first for you then brock,all the greyhound bitches i've had on Laura Bollin have kept their form,never had a problem with dogs running below par on Laura Bollin .
  20. The one most of the greyhound lads use is Laura Bollin it's given as a jag every 4 weeks.I personally would always let a bitch have her first season.
  21. Well done Midnight some nice grayling there. I might take my boy out for a go at them on the nith next week.
  22. Top answer skycat A lot of sound advice there.
  23. All the best Dan,hope she's yours mate.
  24. tote


    Collie/greyhound X greyhound/staghound[staghound=deerhound X greyhound] bitch 23 1/2"
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