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Everything posted by chris

  1. please say Mauri many greetings from me, Christos livinvg in germany..he knows. Hope he is doing fine! the cross that worked well with dogs bred similar as Nerone was with the booth bred dogs that also SP Kennels works...that would also be a nice alternative. SP kennel (mauri knows who i mean i guess) made crosses with pickaxe x digger and booth with very good result. best regards and many greetings
  2. hunting (if it has hunting drive etc.) is something that is in a working terrier genes because of his ancestors and the breeding behind it. neutering of a dog does only effect his hormones, and maybe his dominance against other dogs if he was dominant because of his hormones and not because of its genes. many people who buy working terriers as a pet ( ) think when neutered a dog will give up hunting..they know nothing about dogs. something that is genetically preserved in a dog can not be sorted out by neutering. best regards
  3. i think one of the most important things that is negative for the terriers in general is the fact that the necessary work on badger is prohibited f.ex. in britain. with badgerwork the selection of dogs takes place on another level in my oppinion....although it is not said that badger digging is always more difficult for a dog than working fox, i would say that in general badger digging requires much much more of everything a dog needs and only this way one can be 100 % sure of its dogs capabilities by working it with respect for dog and quarry constantely on badger..of course only one dog to
  4. very very true...in my oppinion not too many dogmen around these little warriors...the knowledge about linebreeding, bloodlines and hard selection is very underestimated. a very good post that brings it to the point. best regards, C
  5. hello, good line breeding in combination with inbreeding would be f.ex. uncle to nice or nephew, or half brother half sister breedings and then back to the ancestors or dogs that also come from the ancestors lines. linebreeding is in my oppinion the only way to keep getting constant percentage of quality offspring, of course when the individuals themlselfes are first class working dogs and do not have undesirable traits which one can see only at working them. also in other working dogs and animals linebredding and loose inbreeding is the key, with at one point necessary outcross to anot
  6. normally i did not want to write anything on the internet thing but one exception this time since the matter does also concern me: i saw with my eyes two dogs directly out of Chaz work. One bitch from Chaz x Damage and one dog of Chaz x Tilly. The dog worked very good and especially the bitch is the gamest little one i have seen, worked hundreds of foxes and dozens of badgers were it is allowed with many many digs. also some descendents of the Chaz x Tilly dog (5 come directly to my mind right now) work very very good and game on both fox and badger and stay until dug to, always no matter t
  7. my dog is also a little bit over 10 kg and it takes him sometimes a little bit long to get to fox...they squeeze in some narrow places. but, since i hunt in germany, in the badger sets he is perfect for me. i would imagine that if a dog is much heavier and passes the 12 or 13 kg than he would have some problems except of the biggest sets. but i also like the big ones no doubt:) best regards on this foto he is lying in greece...vacation and rest for the coming season:)
  8. the best allrounder in my oppinion the german jagdterrier. problem in my oppinion with allrounders: they never can be expected to work perfect on every aspect. best regards
  9. the ones i have personally seen were also very very hard and did and got a lot of damage but not game to stay for hours if necessary. some breeders of them around me have told me many times that the staying ability is lost in their oppinion because they are bred more or less as allrounders not not especially for earthwork, but they are very satisfied with them for foxes and do not want them to stay for hours with badgers (in germany were it is legal) etc. i like them a lot but i guess like with the black dogs one has to find a good working line for earthhunting. i personally prefere the patt
  10. it can be totally possible in my oppinion to have to dig maybe two holes...i had to dig a few times a second hole when we were on badger hunts in germany with great dogs and if the den was from an earth with a high percentage of sand..sometimes if the dig took very long because of the depth the badger (if it is a strong big one) had the possibility to dig himself further in since the dog can not hold him in such an easy diggable earth forever..maybe brock moved half a meter and dug a "wall" between him and the dog and then it is normal to have to dig another one. the dog is then doing the rest
  11. had also the same problems with the long range terrier finder...it is on the point but gives often false signals when it comes to debth...often the signal shows much deeper than the dog actually is...it is than very nice to think that is necessary to dig maybe 3 meters deep and then reach the dog after 1, 5 meters:) i think the deben long range terrier finder is a good comromise from the "cheaper" locaters but i will invest next time for the B & F or for a locater like steezy said. regards
  12. real nice lookin there mate what height is he? thank you! he is about 37-38 cm....and in the chest nearly 50 cm...quite spannable. his weight is 9 kg. he has always reached his quarry:) best regards
  13. some pics after a very quick bolt of two foxes from a very huge earth that was mainly an old destroyed building ...both of the foxes were missed by the guns....the dog for the first time had not one scratch...looking forward to the next opportunity to dig again and give the dog real work instead of bolting:) at least i took some pics of the dog that i think are nice:) reards Chris
  14. Hello, can you post a pic of grown jrt/whippet cross..was wondering how they look like when grown.. regards
  15. They dont look the real deal to me .some are russell coloured just x breds they are the real deal when used from the right lines....just like with any dog. sometimes a little bit too hard but hell of hunting dogs!!! although i prefere the patterdale more cause in my oppinion they are in general gamer i have great respect for these little earth-warriors. after the patterdale from the right line i would always take one well bred jagdterrier!
  16. some very nice pics Eric!!! you work those ferrets on rats and/or rabbit holes? you work them as a team with the dogs? best regards Christos
  17. hello to all of you, yust wanted to ask if someone allready bought the terrier yearbook that is advertised on the THL homepage...is it dealing mainly with patterdales or all sort of terriers? regards chris
  18. hello to all of you, yust wanted to ask if someone allready bought the terrier yearbook that is advertised on the THL homepage...is it dealing mainly with patterdales or all sort of terriers? regards chris
  19. i would be proud to own one like jet...but i do not. so stop talking to me about doing anything with this dog. i expressed thoughts on the things and the insulting that are going on here....i think my english is not so bad that you did not understand it. you insult not only Rudi without reason, but also about your own terriermen like J.P. , G.M. and also D.H was talked bad about in this "topic"....really unbelievable. i am out of this "discussion"
  20. i did never whant to post again but i am forced due to the fact that i am totally suprised about the childish way that anonymus people are insulting without having one proove...insulting others although you live in the same country as the man that you claim "stole" the dog... i think you are a bunch of teenagers that never knew and felt the consequences of an insult, and you just enjoy the fact that you have pics etc from Rudi and being able to make some big words and trouble...via internet... i can not understand the administrators that allow these kind of things. do you just want the pseu
  21. last post from me since you asked me and i want to answer : I would never insult people in a public way like this and i would do everything to get in personal contact with the man that i have a difference with. often then things clear up very quickly and easily and in a civilized way. my oppinion ,and that was it from my part !
  22. what a pitty..i thought this forum is something else..i thought that it is a place to get some informatin on the working terrier etc. but from what i can clearly see now is that it is nothing else then a "playing ground" for people that are used to insult others....because often insults stay without consequenz these days.its a pitty. you expect others to give you answers..you all put yourself in the position to ask questions? you want to put others in the position to justificate ? what brought you in the position that allows you asking insulting questions in a public forum and demanding answ
  23. @ Wilf, you referred to my post and, how could it be different, totally out of the context...if you have read the whole post you would have seen that i only used the hypothesis ("even if...") to explain a point of view. and in this context i also asked some questions that none of you answered. and one more thing. i, or anybody else, do not have to ask no one what he considers a proven breeding prospect or a proven dog, to adopt his point of view, since everyone defines that by himself (i also posted a few questions concernig this topic that again none of you answered), as long as one do
  24. It would surley make it an unproven dog and therfore not a breeding prospect when did a dog prove its worth in your oppinion? what do you expext from a dog before you breed him? after 10 foxes, after 100 or after 500 or more? how many digs? how many hard foxes? badgers? gameness? you see maybe i do expect a lot, a lot from my own dog (and i really do!!!) before i am satisfied with him and maybe your proven dog means nothing to me or my proven dog is shit for you, but because there is no objective criteria that tells us that a proven dog is a dog with f.ex. 500 foxes, 50 badgers aso
  25. even if Tom would have only been to ground for a couple of times, would it make him a less worthy dog ? often people are asking for fotos on this or that dog in action...does it make the dog a less worthy animal if no camera was at the hand when the dog was working ? i never saw pics of the famous dogs at the time of work..only afterwards...and i never saw some of the people here doubt the working quality of some of the mentioned dogs here on the forum... why is that i would like to know? what kind of proove does someone have for the quality of his dog, when he shows a pic of him with injurie
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