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Everything posted by NOG

  1. alright lads i'm a size 11 in trainers what size do you think i'll need in the gortex army boot, should i go for a size 10.
  2. Sure bret lee is crash's sire
  3. you have had it two months well you should still have warrenty on it take it back and complain.
  4. same here mate better to take a pic when there shot
  5. nothing wrong wit telling a few porkys to make the night sound better
  6. here mate just ordered myself 2 bulbs from here http://www.medlamps.co.uk/product/28-Osram-HLX-62138.html
  7. he's got some knuckle on him. what size do you think he'll get?
  8. ok mate genuine quesion..what will your dog bring to the table a well bred bull wouldnt? like i said mate not a dig at you, a genuine question
  9. just google blitz replacement i found this one aint cheep like. http://www.solwayfeeders.com/products/240-reflector-housing-complete-for-lightforce-blitz-plfa505-c403.html
  10. freeze it for 3 weeks to kill the worms, then just give it to them raw been giving it to mine for yrs like that, never had a problem mate
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