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Everything posted by NOG

  1. Crobinc (big zook) you know nothing, hares aint easy to catch on the lamp, maybe not as hard as daytime but they still shift and can be very dificult to keep in the beam .
  2. Like i said i just gave an honeat insight into the man in question. Mb threads are done to death on here. I see what your soing tho last reply from me.
  3. Well i can only speak for my cur whippet lol. But she is all that i wanted and more and i'm not the easiest man to please. What you say makes no difference to me, i aint breed blind or line blind i also run lurchers from different lines.
  4. Atleast mike has his own ideas and now one can denny his dogs arnt well kept you could eat of the floor in his pens. For every one tit like you theres 10 people who have met the man and made up there own minds. Also the man is asking about AFW not mb, i was just giving an insight into the man in question.
  5. R.i.p mate same age as me very sad.
  6. Sorry vld i don't sorry mate, also i was good to this man and looking back don't know why i bothered with him, my first dog i bought of him was in a terrible mess, thought he was going to die. His hair was all matted (lurcher) when he took his fist dump at mine a noticed a long white thing hanging out of his rear end, yes you guessed it riddled with worms, also i can remember him jumping a 3 foot wall and calapsing soon as he hit the floor. I got him right and he is still here to this day.
  7. Known this man fot 10yrs, uses mike browns name to sells dogs all his dogs are.from mikes dogs, has about 5 to 6 bitches, has 2 sets of papers for every bitch, breeds all his bitches every 6 months likes to brag how much money he makes on them, last of all he's a piss head. All of the above fact out of his own mouth, he has put no imput into this line of whippet just taking a ride of someone elses name. I classed this man as a friend untill he stabbed me in the back as he has done to others.
  8. Anyone who has an oz of know, would not own such a dog imo. The first part made me laugh (7 gorgeous) lol wheres gorgeous going to get you in the field. Lol
  9. Whats this country coming to billions in debt and wasting money like this and the thing is we pay for it the scum.
  10. I wouldnt say seven was old mate a still in his prime
  11. Woman and dogs this is what happens lol
  12. NOG


    How do new genuine lads join if they haveno oneto vouch for them, look at moochers closed there doors thinking there to good to let new people join wankers
  13. NOG


    Arrr isn't he nice,thanks nog your welcome anytime lad, Thats what its like on hete mate, never between two people everyone one else has to jump in, bunch of c**ts.
  14. NOG


    I can vouch for red collar who kindly invited me and a friend up for a night, invited urs in to his home made urs feel welcome, showed urs some pics back in the day of some of his old dogs with big bags of reds. Proper genuin dog man who gets out there and puts the graft infront of the dogs. Speak soon mate:thumbs:
  15. Looks like an audition for a new goonies film ha ha. Great looking pack lads
  16. Get yourself on the working whippet forum plenty of lads on there with dogs that are capable willing to give you help and advice.
  17. This place has got its fair share of simpletons. Hunting lurcher for sale lol
  18. North wales is full of them mate.
  19. And you my son ,should fook off back to kindergarten.I suggest ,you start with the,peter and jane books. "Big Zook", who are you, realy ??? You talk about "officers" and "wildlife divisions", etc ! Are you on a piss take, or are you realy a snide ? You're playing a dangerous game, either way !! Now ! how does it matter to you,who i am?.We dont play games over this end mate.Read post 18,that is where i`ll leave the topic and not get drawn into nonsensical tit 4 tat postings. ANTI !! its crobinc mate
  20. Lol and suppose you got better ha ha He watches videos, well he'll know it all hahaha Lol mate bullx are shit coz darklord sez, i'll take reg of your hands if your thinking of getting a suluki x lol
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