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Everything posted by NOG

  1. You changed your tune lol. You dont stop slating peoples dogs pm we will sort something out for next season.
  2. And there you go, new it wouldnt take you long. Pure dickhead. You'll never own a dog of his calliber in your life time. Also you retard tails dont catch prey, i know of a very good foxing bitch similar to pie with half a tail. Always slating others peoples dogs. Get some pics of your world beaters up!
  3. Didnt want an argument with you. Just you do my nut in with that dog saying its PIE LINES all the time. My mate hada pie bred dog i doubt that dog of yours would ever beinthe same leuge as him was a machine of a dog.
  4. Any body got any racey ones?
  5. Never seen a bull x with pointy ears tbh. I'd say he looks like he's got alot of other x's in him than bull, he don't look like one to me. But if your claiming he does more work in his first season than most dogs do ha ha. Best of luck to you.
  6. You out crossed to a grandson of pie, that don't make him pie line, a line is based on one dog pie in this case and line bred to keep the blood strong with little outcross. Your pup features it once far back on one side and dont even resemble pie or even a bull x.
  7. Bloody hell rocky thats a big a statement. I wouldnt say your dog was a pie line, just coz pie is in him far back,your pups mother is also a rough coated lurcher. He looks nothing like a bullcross.
  8. Same going for anyone with him a couple of generations back in there dog don't mean its going to be anything like him. More chance of getting one like him from him Totally agree mate shame he aint around anymore.
  9. Same going for anyone with him a couple of generations back in there dog don't mean its going to be anything like him.
  10. Is that the fella who self promotes in the countrymans weekly?
  11. Here he goe's fukin idiot.............
  12. Ferret? I just use a rodinator. And it's a wife-beater, you posh puff :laugh:
  13. bunch of c**ts interfearing in the ways of the countryside. you think they'd sort out proper issues like peadodofilia, drugs, rapists etc
  14. No mate i also like to ferret in my shorts and vest to top up my tan.
  15. Beggining of april to the end of august on dry nights and sunny days are best, lot of young about so there easier to catch also less chance of getting a cold and your tracky and trainers dirty as the ground harder.
  16. Out with the beagel x's today, had a few lads with shotguns joining its. I got to say there a gready bunch of basterds, standing right next to the covers making sure the dog lads never got a run. There all lazy basterds.
  17. I'm glad I'm a nobdy, some right jelouse pricks on here.
  18. what blood is in your current lurchers moo? any greyhound i do agree tho with you there far from the finished article, as you know thats why other bloods added to them producing the lurcher.
  19. all these real deal dogs you speak of most have racing blood, you never seen an ex track grey working you'd know why if you did. makes me laugh how people think ex track dogs are useless, well its been proved time and time again they can work not all but alot of them, we ow alot to the greyhound after all we wouldnt have as you put it real deal dogs.
  20. One of my dogs broke his when he was 3.1/2 he's now 11 so don't panic.
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