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Everything posted by StevoSmith

  1. Unforunate there mate....hope your get well and get back on it soon
  2. Ok i currently own a BSA lightning .22. I love this rifle it's accurate and hits hard however i see most people use Pneumatic rifles and the wife has said i can get one and asked me to scout around...i have shortlisted two and need some input from you guys with the experiance here are my choices http://www.fieldsportsequipe.co.uk/images/stories/airguns-001/air-arms/0019/ev2mk2blue600.jpg and http://www.fieldsportsequipe.co.uk/images/stories/airguns-001/weihrauch/0002/hw100k600.jpg these are what i have come down to and as i know nout about pneumatic's PLEASE HELP lol
  3. Nicely said Simon.....as a former Military man myself i see where your comming from.......But your FAC .177 rifle sound's awsome and i would love to see some footage of ya hitting Paper targets at range
  4. Hi and welcome to the site
  5. Looking into purchasing one of these Yukon NVMT 3x42 mm Rifle Scope as they seem quite reasonable price wise....has anyone tried them or know someone who has and how did you/they find it?
  6. Dont rearly have memorable shot but i have a strange shot whilst in the cadets.......we were firing .303 if mem serves me correctly it was a mark 7 and i hit a rabbit in front of the target to the dismay of our Reg Sarg....after mags were emptied and all checks were done we all proceeded to our respective targets me hoping to find a juicy rabbit only found fur and bunny bits everywhere. This shot was at 90 yrds and made a right mess of bug's.....No wonder people still use this wep to this day with the velocity and stopping power it holds.
  7. Im firing from a BSA Lightning and like you say they dont half shift...i had a bugs last nite and it went clean through its skull.....not always a good thing but it did drop him where he stood....going to do a bit later at longer range.....i was at 15 yds so going to move it up to 25-30 and see what happens and let you know
  8. I dont think he means people on here....the one who want to stop us doing our sport i think he means
  9. Hope it goes clear tonite......carnt beat a cold clear nite for popping off bugs and co

  10. Cracking shooting there bud......nice to see someone controlling dem maggies.....overrun with dem ere in north wales
  11. Everyone has a camera phone dont they with video capability? I will accept that challenge zini even though i only just got back into shooting but defo worth a crack
  12. Agreed jerry.....this is by far the best shooting/hunting site out there
  13. Nice going jerry.......its a buzz when you get a permission may your hunting be fruitful 6Acre's can hold alot of Bunnys thats for sure
  14. Thanks steve...carnt beat a clean kill and a menu at the end
  15. Your not wrong there mate.....he's stewing as we speak
  16. Just found this in a review As mentioned previously, since their launch the S400 and S410 have been popular for both hunting and HFT, and rightly so, but personally I always found a little niggle with the operation of the bolt action on the multi-shot S410 version. This was simply because as you drew back the bolt, the magazine would turn one notch putting the next pellet into battery, then pushing the bolt forward would seat the pellet into the barrel’s breech. All well and good… Unfortunately, if you hadn’t pulled the bolt back enough, you would have failed to set the mechanism
  17. Oiled and free of grit?.....i know it sounds daft but some people overlook it,,,,,,im not up to standard on the s410 maybe others who have experiance in the rifle will come up with more detailed info Hope its resolved soon so you can get back out there
  18. Nice looking platform....wish i could do that on my permission but its in open ground and a bugger to sneak up on bugs Good luck with it guys and remember wear a harness to avoid any unwanted roll outs
  19. Well today i got my new pellets...nothing spectacular just some Thunderbolt extreme huting .22.....after putting 20 of these zinc babys through the barrel and zeroed scope to 15 yards with some grouping on paper target the light was fading so i thought i would just run down to my permission to see what i could see,,,,about 5 mins into a 10 min power mooch and some stealthy crawling in the wind i got a bugs dropped him where he stood without any kicking...waited another 5 mins without retrieving the bunny before light faded and headed home with the prize he he is and very healthy he is to
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