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Everything posted by StevoSmith

  1. Niceone mate....now get out there with rifle and camera ...no time like the presant
  2. Saltmarsh Lamb then Pigeon and Goose
  3. Here is the said phone call......"hello mr doodles this is Joe public and i own crazy times golf course"......"hello this is Mr Doodles how can i help you?"....Joe Public"ok great i have a rabbit problem".....Mr Doodles"really?...i can help you with that what seems to be the problem?".......Joe public"i dont seem to have any rabbits on my perfect crazy golf course".......Mr Doodles"Thats ok mate im sure i can inport some to make your course feel Al Natural"......Joe public"thatnks mr doodles i appriciate that i look forward to hearing from you soon" Fk me this is a classic
  4. Jeesh im pissing my pants here..........your insane mate.....most people get thier perms from land owners to rid it of rabbits..... i know i do........but for some reason you feel the need to introduce them back to a perm i expect that you have been asked to rid of them.......how long do you think you will keep the said perm?.......on another note though.....1 male 2 females is enough to get booming pop in 2 years lol
  5. its getting stocked :toast: Nutter lol Come stock my golf courses lol
  6. WTF lol....is it crazy golf?.....cause your fkin nuts.....jeesh man your havin a giraffe
  7. The fights were great........nout quite like an elbow or a knee to the face to sort the men from the boys lol
  8. From what i remember he was a beast with the kicks......would drop most men where they stood
  9. What total effin cr@p these people just dont bring THE FACTS into the show......i watched it last night with the mrs......she said...."i tell ya what babe if them fkers were in our garden i would want you to shoot them" Damn fkin right.....and then to get pest control guy on looking all down....jeesh ffs man stand up its your job....now i understand he was on national tv but he aint doin nout wrong
  10. Only think about Muay Thai is the Ram Muay....carnt dance at the best of times let alone at start of a fight...but most MT fights require you to do it as part of the ritual
  11. Used to love the sparring sessions.....what got me was the heavy bag work outs......conditioning the shins was a killer
  12. I remember Louis.......i remember hin fighting Bourachid Morad of france
  13. Muay Thai and Kickboxing Festival?........what was his name mate?
  14. Any of you guys gals do Muay Thai?........I started in 1993 whilst i was living in manchester....went to the Martial Arts Centre in stockport for about 9 months then moved on to K1 for 2 more years before taking up MT again here in wales.....i did ok in my grading ending with RedBlue band through GrandMaster Sken grading System...then joined Army and never went back.....would love to start up again but at 37 i feel im to old lol........If any of you guys/gals do it what grades have you acchived?
  15. Yes true Steve, It takes a lot more knowledge of your combo to make accurate shots at different ranges with a .22 calibre pellet. Sitting on your zero is fine but making long range shots is where the skill is in with .22 calibre shooting. I think that's why you get the old rumour that so many believe in that a .177 is more accurate than a .22. This rumour is utter rubbish and both calibres are as accurate as each other. Where the in- accuracies come in is with the shooter themselves not having the practice and understanding of the ballistics involved to master the calibre.
  16. BASC or Countryside Alliance mate are the best by far...however due to funds i went with Sporting Shooter Assosiation this year
  17. Great vid Si.....nice to see the diff hold overs with the .177 100 and EB XVI .22 at roughly same distance....shows to people how much of a diff the .177 is compared to the .22
  18. StevoSmith

    the hard lad

    If that little goby sh*t had come to my door if my mrs didnt deck him i would have fkin held my patience for less than 5 seconds.....Opened a whole can of Muay Thai on his ass
  19. Nice rabbit Madrass for tea

  20. Welcome to thl mate...sounds like you got some nice permissions there mate.......carnt beat a bit of roland bashing
  21. Everywhere mate.....they are farmland birds but as they on decline you dont see many around....ive not seen one where i live for a few years...according to the RSPB they are now the most threatened farmland bird...they are quite small just a little larrger than a blackbird and had a 70% decline in population since the 90's
  22. Have a look in the for sale section on this site mate...also check out Blackpool air rifles for good deals here is link to secondhand rifle sections...there is a very nice HW35 there http://airgunbuyer.c...ndhand%20Rifles Also a nice HW57 for less than 200 notes
  23. Got a very large Outlaw faction here in N.Wales and for the most part they are a great bunch of guys......few people i know are prospect's and learning the ropes so to speak....we have a bike show at our local pub once a year and they come in large numbers...never any trouble but they all look rough and ready lol
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