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About howsshefrom

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Fair play ABC your a good man. probably as much AC blood in it as that unknown dog in your pedigree???
  2. What size if battery for 8ft mark 1/2 collar ?
  3. Iv a picture of buster but cant get it uploaded
  4. What book is that Rabbit Hunter ?
  5. Anyone have DW contact number ? would very much appreciate it if someone could pm it to me..
  6. did you not write a book on the strong dogs of ireland ? No, my company published a book of historical photos. I personally do not need, or agree, that there is a place for 'draw dogs' in today's terrierwork. I just don't. But, like I say, that's just my personal opinion. I agree that strongdogs in the wrong hands can be bad for terrierwork in todays day and age, but i wouldnt say using a strong dog means you have any less respect for the quarry you hunt and i stress that im talking about sensible geniune dog men not macho men standing at a dig with a pair of runners and a staff Whats t
  7. did you not write a book on the strong dogs of ireland ? No, my company published a book of historical photos. I personally do not need, or agree, that there is a place for 'draw dogs' in today's terrierwork. I just don't. But, like I say, that's just my personal opinion. I agree that strongdogs in the wrong hands can be bad for terrierwork in todays day and age, but i wouldnt say using a strong dog means you have any less respect for the quarry you hunt and i stress that im talking about sensible geniune dog men not macho men standing at a dig with a pair of runners and a staff
  8. did you not write a book on the strong dogs of ireland ?
  9. who said that some of these call outs wont stay till dug, and they aint 'game' lol. What a load of shit.eventually they will come away as they dont have the same heart as a dog that will stay put, if a gog comes away hes a jacker simple as, and as i said before its about quality not quantity, if your happy enough to stand back and let them hit the nets then work away but i will stick to the digging with dogs that will be there when i get down
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