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Everything posted by web22

  1. avoid the punishments,you don't want them associating your hands with pain,being handled should be pleasant for them,spitting on the back of your hand and letting them lick it will keep them occupied,but handle as much as possible and they should come good,i put in their food and let them have a quick chew then pick up one at a time for a few minutes while the rest are occupied...
  2. maybe this question needs answering from a different point of view,let's assume the ferrets are kits so havn't ever worked,which colour do people choose then,and why? i personally prefer polecat coloured ferrets(hobs),but would and have taken whatever i could get...
  3. have 10 at moment with kits so will probably have 4 when some have been homed...
  4. i've a 7 week old albino hob(and 3 jills of different colours),well handled used to the dog,dad is a worker,mum just been out handful of times,leicester...
  5. spit on the back of your hand and let them lick it while you pick them up/put them down and generally handle them,keeps them occupied and handle as much as practically possible...
  6. just to show that someone still puts faith in hobs,i work them and prefer to work them,their strength is the thing for me,i like to know they are bullying the rabbit,not the other way round,albeit they do seem slower and do mess with the nets a bit,and i'm adding more hobs to the team from this years kits...
  7. forgot to mention,i just bought a deben 9"-13" bipod(£45 from forward diving)and i am now shooting rabbit at around 40/45 yards with a .22 raider where as before i was shooting at around 35 yards max,so i'd say they are a very wise investment...
  8. This is my hopeful for 20112. It retrieves to hand, can be used as a spare piece of rope when in a pinch and only requires a teaspoon of dried food a week. They will be going for £450. You should put in an order now because they will be all spoken for before they are even born. 20112?that's some time away yet! i'm waitin for tiger stripes...
  9. What a load of bollocks. As has been stated ferrets have been used for centuaries. The oldest referance I can find for them is Stabo in his "Geographica" written in 9 BC describes how people of the Gymnesian Islands (present day Balearic Islands) breeding Libyan ferrets which they muzzled and sent into holes to bolt the rabbits. Gengis Khan was known to go ferreting. There are tapestries, drawings and paintings starting from the 12th century depicting ferreting with both polecat coloured ferrets and albino ferrets. Queen Mary’s Psalter written in the 14th centuary has drawings of
  10. deben gl2/gl4,around £50/£70 good range and batteries last 5 hours or more,and flip up filters can be bought for them(if buy white,they come in red and green also),scope mounted and momentary thumb switch,good for lamping rabbit at air rifle range...
  11. will have to stay on top of things a bit better me thinks to keep the horrible b*****ds away!one stung me on the finger earlier when i was cleaning them out :realmad: i was a bit worried in case a kit got stung but i will be getting all the meat out when i get up for work and covering the hutch with scrim to help keep them out,at least i know it is something that happens generally everywhere now...
  12. hi all,for the last couple of days i've noticed wasps hanging around my hutch,they seem to be landing on the meat left over before i get a chance to get rid of it,now flies are bad enough but wasps are just fecking horrid!are they common around this time of year or could this be an isolated type of incident,i know giving them meat late and taking it out early will help but was just wondering if i'm alone with this one...
  13. thanks for the help,looks like one is making it into my kit bag very soon
  14. there you go kid,they've done everything but make the nets for you and that's a good offer to email the pics and have them posted
  15. is the range affected at all when the filter is used,and is it good enough for shooting around 40 yards,and the batteries should last me long enough as i only go for around 3 hours normally and the torch won't be on constantly...
  16. hi all i'm looking at getting a deben ledray gl2,i will be lamping rabbit at 40 yards or less on a golf course and horse fields,will this be adequate(it is 130 lumens/90 metre range)or do i need to consider the gl4?also would i be best to buy one in red or get white with a red flip up filter?
  17. hi all i'm looking to get a new scope soon and was looking to spend up to/around£100,i like the look of the hawke sport hd ir ao,is this a good scope for the money?or can anyone recommend anything else?any advice greatly appreciated also are scopes like the mtc's or hawke eclipse good enough to be around £ more??
  18. 1."a member must be a donator to sell any livestock" 2."for the discussion of hunting with ferrets" either sound familiar?
  19. good pics,i like the one where one is biting the others ear and the albino sticking it's tongue out!
  20. mine are just over 4 weeks and out of 8 there are 2 with their eyes fully open and 3 with one eye open and the others still closed,but anywhere from 4 weeks on they should be opening i think...
  21. a hob of mine escaped several months ago(the catch was loose,i think he rattled it open?)i put up posters,rang the local rspca/vets/rescues and went on lost and found sites,left a box out with food inside,he was found up the road safe and sound,they found me through a poster on a lamp post.a few weeks after i didn't close the hutch up properly and he got out again this time i didn't get him back so yes i did do it twice and i learned a harsh lesson... good luck with your search...
  22. fair offer,hope you find good working homes
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