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Everything posted by BORDERSCOT

  1. I use Beta Puppy it's 29% protein mixed with meat. They do great on it.
  2. Try lining the inside of the door with galvanised tin - that'll stop it. Bit strange that an old dog is chewing the kennel - has she just started doing it? New kennel? Proprietry brands of paint and spray which claim to stop chewing only work for so long and needs constant redoing! Give her an alternative to chew on? Good Luck.
  3. I agree with runforyourlife - serious hunting and a dog that can't jump is a bit of a no go really. Of course it's dangerous but that just goes with the territory. Lifting a dog over a fence or a wall is perhaps an admission that you have failed to teach it to jump competently???
  4. How long's a piece of string? But It'd need a bit of size and weight - as for the breeding???? Take yer pick!!!
  5. Rabbit skin sewed ot tied to a dummy is a great training tool. I'm currently working a rabbit skin dummy with my pup. A certain amount of teasing is called for but I'd stop short of letting a pup rag or pull it to bits.
  6. Can't see the point in that to be honest mate. The last thing I'd want to see is my pup pulling it to bits. What's that gonna teach it???
  7. I think the answer is in your question "how much do you risk doing"? If I even wonder if I should see the vet I do. Yeah - they're expensive and a few do take the piss but on the whole I'd rather not take on anything I'm dubious about doing myself.
  8. Hey Mate - a really nice looking puppy. What height is he and what's his weight. Good luck with him.
  9. Would never buy an adult dog! I had two really bad experiences at the hands of two serious purveyors of bullshit when I was a teenager. Since then I have always bought pups and I'm now mid forties!!!! Twice bitten eh???
  10. Just out of interest mate - what height to the shoulder is your dog? Thanks.
  11. Hi mate I have a Kubla puppy - 19 weeks now and he is retrieving beautifully? That probably doesn't make your situation much better.And reading your post he's probably not had his worries to seek with his last owners. I'd get back to basics, make it fun walking away sometimes helps as he may follow in behind. He's a nice dog and is uncannily like my puppy. Good luck and if you don't mind let me know how he comes on?? Thanks
  12. How's the dog bred mate - which of Hancock's studs is its father?
  13. Which do you prefer? Kennel or the house and does it make any odds to the working ability/mentality of a dog??
  14. BARF (biologically appropriate raw food) raw meat (beef, chicken, tripe and fish) - and Beta Active/Worker or Beta Puppy for youngsters and a drop or two of Cod Liver Oil twice a week will provide all the protein they'll need and more!
  15. I've seen it in calves and lambs - cause I by contracted tendons which makes them knuckle over at the pastern - but never out to the side. They are usually okay in a day or two. Good point - will they be able to work when older?
  16. Is tis the same ting as puppy fatigue syndrome which can be caused by over exercise? Hope all goes well with the dogs.
  17. Seriously - you must be having a laugh here???!!!
  18. Couldn't agree more on this mate. If you set out mob handed then you're looking for trouble!!! A little thought and pre-planning is all it takes to stay one step ahead of trouble!!!
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