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About jsr

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 20/08/1991

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  • Interests
    1 staffy x
    1 collie x greyhound
  1. My dog pulled her toe nail out on her front foot last year, i took her to the vets they said just salt and water and plenty of rest, don't wrap it up but put a cone on the dog so she doesn't lick it, because it will get infected. It's a myth that a dogs saliva is good for wounds, the dogs saliva is actually abrasive so it causes a rash on the skin.
  2. i got mine from a hunting shop in town but you can get them online if you search them in google shopping, about 12 quid for a dummy and skin.
  3. check out the new pics of the pup

  4. Hello mate, iv just found some on gumtree last week, a lad from whitley bay builds them. He quoted me 150 quid for a 4ft x 4ft sleeping area a 6ft x 4ft run. He says he can build any design and measurements you want. I'll pm you his number if you want. http://newcastle.gumtree.com/newcastle/55/74704155.html john
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