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Everything posted by n-raged

  1. the bowl of milk thing worked perfectly and this morning i let them play a bit with each other. Now the ferret wants to take a bite of the dog hahaha.
  2. I can't get the hang of the situation he keeps on running after the ferret and the ferret is by no means having fun. :/ I'm at a loss
  3. Hehe it seems it's working but i still don't trust them alone together cause the puppy is too rough and he's growing bigger and heavier every day. He keeps running after it and leaping on top of it and nips at it playfully. I think it's like runforyourlife said he's just a puppy being a puppy though but he better gets used to playing calmly before he gets massive. The ferret gained confidence but it seems he suddenly has developed a previously unknown love for his cage. Most prob cause the pup won't give him a second of peace.
  4. Here in Malta we would get either a pharaoh hound or a maltese gundog (that are still applying to be accepted as a breed) They are both very good with children since here in Malta it was tradition that the children feed the dogs and the adults take care of the other farm animals. They are also very hardy with practically no genetic diseases. I would go for pharaoh hound for rabbits and maltese gundog for flushing out birds. Pharaoh hounds are prone to frostbite. Don't let the chubby look of the Maltese gundog deceive you since it has lots of stamina especially in intense heat. attached a
  5. This is our new member in the family. On the other hand the carpet shark is this
  6. Thanks for your reply. I'm socializing them as much as i can in the garden (since the ferret has free roam in the garden) but holding him back when he's trying to bolt. The pup only tried to take a bite at him but I'm not sure it was for play or not. He tries to lick the ferret from between the cage bars though, and i stop him just in case the ferret bites his tongue or ear which i think will make diplomacy a bit trickier. I was just asking since i read on the internet and although i was brought up with dogs all my life I was a bit paranoid since at 10 weeks old he's already very heavy and he'
  7. Hello I'm a 20 year old Maltese guy, have been out bird hunting with my father when a small kid but I couldn't keep on going since I have Chemistry and Biology and they are tough subjects. I wish to graduate from my graduate as a BSc. Chemistry and Biology double honors student and then go study to become a veterinary surgeon in Hungary or one of those countries in that area since most other universities are out of my budget. I wish to become a wildlife vet and aid in conservation and i want to learn how to hunt and do some honest hunting myself. I believe that they can go hand in hand when pe
  8. Hello I'm new to this forum first of all. I wanted to ask how i can train my German short-haired Pointer not to chase and kill the ferret yet i don't want it to lose all hunting drive since although I'm not going to hunt rabbits anytime soon i wish i would someday take them for a hunt since it's nice to see two of your loved animals cooperating and enjoying yourself. Plus my ferret is really dear to me and he's already socialized with dogs, which is a bit risky since he's a bit too bold for his size. The German pointer is a puppy which is gonna give me ample time. Any help is appreciated and s
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