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Dr.H Doofenshmirtz

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About Dr.H Doofenshmirtz

  • Rank
  • Birthday 27/09/1974

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  • Location
    Portland Dorset
  1. There is somewhere in Christchurch you can hire a rowing boat, and fish the tidal section of the harbour. Anchor just out of the main boating lane, and fish with light gear. Mepps spinners, tipped with rag worm. Haven't been for a few years, but had great fun catching Mullet and Bass with this method, on cast and retrieve.
  2. Personally I believe that it depends on the clarity of the water in regards to sight feeding, on rivers. Trout rise to fly and take nymphs etc, when its presented to them in clear water, but will struggle to see fly on the surface, when the river is in spate. ( again this depends on the river ). If you put a spinner past their nose, they will take. If your fishing a carp lake, that has a healthy head of fish, the water can colour very easily. The fish probably rely on smell to attract them to the bait, but then closer in can visibly make distinction between different baits by sight. ( again d
  3. Was lucky enough to be given one of these as a kid and took it everywhere. (Except School). Lit it once and carried on with other things. After 2 mins turned around to check it and found a small heap of molten aluminium..... Yes forgot to put any water in it! Lesson learned. Was given another one recently, as a Christmas present. Smaller than the last one. But brilliant. I work as a riverkeeper, and take it everywhere. We were building a small pedestrian bridge once, and my colleague decided to have a cuppa with the cork stopper in place. Having not read the warnings on the side re
  4. Thanks for the welcome. Just love Phineas and Ferb. Too much adult humour, lost on the kids! Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!!!!!
  5. Was recommended this forum by a friend and visited for a while. Just love being outside and grew up playing in woods and fishing the local stream. Have been privaledged to work on the river for the past seven years, and can't wait for the eighth. Looking forward to reading posts, and being involved.
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