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Everything posted by sallie

  1. Thats interesting because the vet offered a form of vallium but im not keen on these things and believe you need to find the cause and treat it naturally, However im interested to hear from anyone that has had a dog with stress like this and how they have treated it. Have you used that Paulus on your dog?
  2. The skin is not sore, not dry and doesnt itch. There are no blisters, no scabs just pure clean skin like alopeca in humans. Its very strange.
  3. thanks but that looks like treatment for mange etc and this is not that as it has been tested and is negative for infection, mange, dermatitis etc. Which does seem to lead to it being stress. Thanks anyway.
  4. Yes i have benzole benzoate that i keep in for the horses but it hasnt helped. It looks like its spreading all down her legs as well now.
  5. thanks patts i will try it lol im allergic to tea tree that should be fun.
  6. thats right it comes out like that. How did you treat it?
  7. My bitch went to ground a couple of weeks back for the first time, no problems she seemed quite happy no marks etc everything seems fine. When she came back in the other dog attacked her and kept sniffing her again this settled down. The following night for 4 nights she wouldnt go out alone, again this settled down. Now she has started losing her coat, the vet tested it and nothing has shown up as being mange or infection. Now they are trying to grow the sample to see if there is anything else. The only thing i can think of is stress like a form of alopecia. None of it makes much sense just w
  8. Glad you took it on and gave it a good home, it is looking better than a couple of weeks ago and as i said back then i took on a pup that was really rough with a bit of time, effort and money on worming and fleas etc she is now a cracking 18 month old bitch ready to start some work. Good luck, what happened to the other pup?
  9. ade33uk we laughed the same the interviewer said to him twice you two will not see eye to eye on this, we laughed until we cried.
  10. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/230520-few-pics-from-our-little-meet-today/ This was at our meet today good turn out and more people than ive seen for a long time.
  11. It was quite busy with many turning out to support. I took two of my patterdales along.It was extremely mild and thankfully dry here. How was everyone else's meet?
  12. If i remember rightly last year some person was advertising a white patterdale on pre loved saying that it could be KC registered in America. It certainly didnt look like a patterdale. Maybe its doing the rounds somewhere.
  13. Bad time to be getting a puppy around xmas.... There are pups being dumped in boxes a beautiful litter of Russells the other day and a litter of Staffies.
  14. Dam is 4.5 years old and Hedz as ive said both have worked but not going into any more details about parents on here as sire is not mine and i wish to protect a certain amount of my privacy. The topic was really about my pups as ive kept it updated since they were born. Time will tell with what the pups may or may not do. Of course you are free to pm me but i dont really know who anyone truly is on here.
  15. Lol, no offence taken im still on a huge learning curve so i was genuinely interested in what you had to say so thanks for your input. Merry xmas to you also and happy hunting.
  16. thanks again folks. Black heart, I have bred the pups from my bitch Tuppence and the sire is the local hunt terrier mans dog. Im pleased with how the pups have turned out. Just wondered why you think they had been infused with shit, the performance of the parents have been excellent and that was my main criteria, then i looked at the confirmation and lastly the line. Now im waiting to see if the pups do the job then i will know if they were infused with any shit or not. At the moment they look promising.
  17. thanks folks foxdropper thats what i was told how can anyone ever be sure but i trust the owner of the sire.
  18. This is Chip the sire Tuppence the dam.
  19. Few picks of Buster, Scarlett and Ruby they are nearly 6 months old now. Its been hard work rearing three pups. Buster is flushing the odd fox out, Scarlett is catching, Mice, moles and by accident of course a squirel. Ruby is proving to be rather idle but hope she will show some interest in something besides food soon. ScarlettBusterRuby
  20. Lol ive found it was easier to train my sheep to keep out of there way.
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