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Everything posted by sallie

  1. sallie


    corvonia it tastes vile but does the job.
  2. I have 3 patterjack pets they are lovely dogs and are great for mooching about getting the odd rabbit or rat. Yours looks a good little worker mine are what they are pets and were bought as pets dont think they had been bred with working in mind.
  3. mine use to live together quite happily and then one day they got hormonal. We have now got individual kennels for them safest way to prevent a dead terrier.
  4. i know someone but i dont think they could be bothered wth the export side of things, how would you plan to get it to Sweden?
  5. I use rubber matting that i use for the horses.
  6. 0901 numbers are a premium rate number, that doesnt mean its a scam but someone is making money from your call. I am wondering who is behind this quest when a petition on the government web site for the same purpose can be set up for free. this was googled 090, 091 and 098 numbers Of all telephone numbers, these ‘premium rate' calls are the worst villains. These 090 numbers are used to provide expensive information or entertainment, often of an ‘adult' nature. Given that many of these services are billed at up to £1.50 a minute, you'd have to be criminally insane or a billionai
  7. went into town today and thought i would take a look in lush to see what they are supporting at the moment. They have a charity pot supporting lots including the anti hunt sabs again. Thought it was worth bringing to the fore once more.
  8. i would be interested to know a little more about the tracking system if you havent sold it.
  9. hmm they have become bureaucratic over the years and i cant really think of anything useful that they have done in general for the country side.
  10. i have had a similar problem with my patterdale and started a thread on here last week. the vet test proved negative and it would seem it was stress, i have put her on aloevera juice to heal from the inside, ginger and camomile oil for calming. We also gave her a course of antibiotics. I have given her more individual attention and this seems to be working. Its just a thought could this also be stress related. atb
  11. you brought a tear to my eye and only just before xmas the same happened to a friend of mine in Wales but the guy came around the corner knocking both her dogs down neither were killed outright and he still drove off. Very sorry for your loss and sometimes what goes around comes around the driver should be feeling very guilty.
  12. FTB there are more townies in the country who dont have a clue never mind about the hunting ban, they move in to live the ideal and dont have a clue about land management,ditches dont get dug out and then they wonder why they are flooded, Devon banks dont get repaired and they wonder why it erodes away. the fox, badger etc end up as little cute animals that need protecting. When the deer eat there roses then and only then do they become pests. Its fighting a losing battle.
  13. It would seem he is lonely. Can you not keep him in the house ? over the years i have tried the following a nice teddy bear that he can snuggle into and cover both over with a blanket, i know there will be those that say its daft but it has worked with my pups. Also if you have a blanket with the smell of the mother. before settling down in the evening a good long walk and a small feed. Final my pup that i have kept Buster was like that but he has grown out of it now he has found his way in life with us. All the best and hope you find a kind solution.
  14. This is Spud he is one of our pet dogs, does a bit of bushing and rabbits he is jack x patterdale but has taken on the jack r. short legs.
  15. I like her very nice strong looking sort atb. with her.
  16. Doh sorry didnt see the bit on the side must be bleary eyed today ha ha. Very nice pups atb with them. Surely if your skint after xmas some nice person will give you a nice choccy dog lol..
  17. Nice healthy looking pups how old are they?
  18. You can buy purple spray from a farm supplies such as mole valley or tuckers but i dont think its the same as the quality you can get from a vet. Surely if you have a good vet they would give you a prescription for it as it does have multiple uses.
  19. A very happy and hunting new year to you also
  20. If a fox will take young lambs dont see why it wouldnt try and take a pup. I would have thought you would have heard something. Our pups have sometimes run like that but have always been back within the hour. I do hope the pup returns atb.
  21. Mr. Quin Paulus i think the bark you are talking about is slippery elm and yes i do use it. It is also excellent for whelping bitches it keeps them in tip top condition. Harvey D no she is only 18 months old but interestingly i have kept 3 pups from my other bitch which are now 6 months old, full of themselves and at times very aggressive in play I have thought this may be contributing to stress. I am taking her with me all day instead of putting her in the kennel so more or less where i go she is going to try and stimulate her and take her away from what ever may be causing the stress. Th
  22. Im looking into herbal treatments and the vet is also looking into it.
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