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Everything posted by sallie

  1. Love the little black one got a cheeky face.
  2. It is quite possible to get a touch reaction from undergrowth, It can set up all sorts of reactions and different types of dermatitis. Sometimes you never know what causes it and it just goes away or it can persist. My bitch had a dermatitis reaction we never new where it came from. After the blistering affect she lost the hair around her ears, head and back. The skin went crusty. The vet gave her a slow releasing antibiotic which i think cost about £11.00 and she is fine now. Good luck with Jack.
  3. the coat may get better as the pup matures.
  4. I dont know why the picture disappeared strange, Thanks busterdog, I love rearing my pups this is our first patterdale litter, my usual are patterjacks. I am really looking forward to rearing these and introducing them to life. Just for your interest the dog that i have has been named Buster ha ha. The characters are showing through already, Feisty little devils with very sharp teeth, growling, barking and snarling at each other. Ear piercing comes to mind on occasions they could do with a referee lol. Thank you for all your lovely compliments, its hard work but i truly love it.
  5. I find they tend to do these things because they are just plain bored, If you can get them in a kennel and get them plenty of things to play with. Lots of walking until they havent the energy left to chew.
  6. Thank you yes im keeping them all and let them grow up. See what they turn out like, make sure the line is as good as it should be.
  7. bred for function lol im keeping them she had 7 and only 4 survived. The bitch is by stoney who died last year and hem mum is Milly, she is one of Terry Lethbridge dogs and the stud dog is one of the local terrier mans dog who is Nuttall, stevens with a little bull thrown in for good measure.. Im so pleased with them. What is even more pleasing is that my grandson who is 14 soon is taking an interest in working the dogs, so all is looking really good. Thanks for your interest.
  8. I would be interested in taking them all but we are the other side of the country in Devon. If you have a solution to that one ill have them.
  9. lol some of them can be really strange, I think you have to be very careful and know your lines to x with.
  10. Thanks he is our stud dog hence spud the stud lol. He has produced some nice pups.
  11. I have 3 patterjacks and they can be real feisty but they wouldnt go to ground, good with rabbits ratting and make good pets. I have noticed over the years though that there are many different types of the breed so would think it would depend on the individual type.Also if they take the parson legs or the shorter legs. Mine seem to have short legs of a russell and a longer back than a patterdale. They are very intelligent and fun to be with. One of mine is only 10" high and she rules our pack! This is a picture of Spud and he loves to go for a drive.
  12. I'd like to use hydrotherapy but havent got the room to set up a pool and don't know if there is anywhere local that does it by me? How much does it cost? I'd like to use hydrotherapy but havent got the room to set up a pool and don't know if there is anywhere local that does it by me? How much does it cost? It costs me £25.00 for 45 minutes but of course i only use that in the initial stages, you can use an old bath and a buoyancy jacket and just hold the terrier in place while it uses its legs. You have to make sure the temperature is right otherwise you can do more damage
  13. Pleased to hear that im not the only one. It really does help with recovery and muscle rebuild.
  14. Now here's another one for some of you to wind your necks in on. One of my dogs uses regular hydrotherapy for an injury she had which also keeps her fit and well! Just wondered if anyone else uses it?
  15. Carp man you know so much and yet so little!
  16. mine have all opened there eyes on day 10 - 14
  17. I have a dog jogger purpose built for dogs. They cost £800.00 new but was lucky enough to find one that a lady had bought for her poodles and decided that it was to much trouble to teach them how to use it and got it for £400.00. I got mine off of preloved so well worth looking around. I have a friend who has adapted a human tread mill for his lurchers. I dont know where you live foxhunting 1 but you are welcome to come and have a look at mine and see it working.
  18. people arent lazy fuckers for using them thats just ignorance and lack of ability and intelligence to try and see another point of view or just plain bigotted. Just because you use a treadmill doesnt mean they dont get exercise!!!! Mine get 2 hours per day and i have 8.....
  19. you should be able to get a ferminator at any good pet shop or on line. http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=dog+furminator&tag=googhydr-21&index=aps&hvadid=7257013093&ref=pd_sl_oaa46j74q_b
  20. I have a tread mill bought a few weeks ago, not cheap either. My dogs get walked, worked, play, and use the mill, they love it and howl with excitement to get on it. Another form of stimulation, helps condition, keeps them fit and they are not on it long. ive managed to work out a really good training regime for the dogs. The bitch that is prone to weight gain even with the sniff of food works on the mill as an extention to everything else she does. My patter jacks go on it for pure fun. Sorry guys dont knock it if you havent tried it. I was very sceptical at first and now its just part of a
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