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Everything posted by sallie

  1. Id never seen one so googled it not what i expected
  2. Thats what i possibly thought but didnt realise that they would go after rats. Thank you.
  3. Got up to the stables this morning and some wild life has dug about a 10" hole through concrete and heading under the stables. Going to get the dogs on it tonight as it is obviously rats under stable but what could dig through concrete and 6" of 803 stone? Anyone ideas please?
  4. sallie


    Its bucketing it down here severe weather alert and its the opening meet tomorrow should be fun lol
  5. Lol all fears gone this morning i shall walk around today with just two of them and if the numpty is about i can as others have suggested pick them up under each arm and get them away. I did think after the event when he eventually went off up the road i should have taken a pic of him and dog lol suspect thats against human rights. Thank you for all your support makes me feel a lot better today.
  6. This is Tess and Bess that Mr. Tough guy said were dangerous dogs and should be muzzled
  7. I still cant get my head around why someone says can you put your dog on a lead please until we are passed why they would ignore it anyway the thick head didnt have a lead with him and the collar was one of those big leather ones with studs in..
  8. This mr. tough guy is to thick to have his dog on the lead i think. Blimey i was just having a good training walk with the dogs minding my own business in the glorious sunshine some b*****d has to spoil it. What goes around comes around. Its his dog i feel sorry for his lack of understanding for his dog will give it a crap life. It was a huge staffy as well.
  9. I could find a few that would have more than a wee word and a partner that would give him a thick one lol we dont know where he came from but i would know him if i saw him again.
  10. It was on the boarder of the road and our private lane, however i just wondered how i stood legally taking three dogs out im sure it was fine. I thought mine were quite well behaved through out the trauma. Somebody was taken to court for having 4 i think it was they were considered a pack.
  11. Being a female dont think i would have had the strength but i would have loved to. thanks for the thought.
  12. I have just taken my three dogs out Bess and Tess my pet terriers out with Jill my patterdale all are extremely well behaved and I was doing some road work all three were on a lead Tess and Bess one side and Jill the other. We hit our private lane and there is big fat guy with tattoo and staffy bull off of lead. Staffy heads towards us so I say please can you get your dog, no response, dog gets closer, please will you put your dog on a lead, welsh accent says he only wants to say hello, please I say put your dog on a lead or get hold of him until we get past. Next his dog is on my little Tess
  13. I use panacur for pups and then move on to the multi treatment stronghold or one of the similar ones and then worm for tapeworms every 3 months given the crap that terriers will eat when they are out and about. I tend to alternate them so they dont get immune to any particular one.
  14. Difficult isnt it because he could have just pulled something perhaps watch, wait and see. Hope you get it sorted. If there is any swelling you can give half a piriton.
  15. you could try using magnoplasm paste, only trouble is you dont know for sure it is a splinter/thorn, there are a lot of dozy wasps around at the moment is it possible he was stung?
  16. lol its what i keep in the house not what i take out but its also for horses so you find that what work for one works for the other, plus if you have enough in it sure does save on vets bills especially where the horses are concerned.
  17. I keep hibiscrub, antibiotic powder, purple spray, cotton wool, animal lintex, piriton, maloxivet, vaseline,bandages, tape, thermometer, towels, water if away from home. stainess steel bowls,bucket, syringes, scissors, latex gloves, torch, pliers. aloe vera gel. I also keep horses so my first aid can be on the large side.
  18. Where you have a couple of bitches together and one brings the other in season, Its not only very hormonal but natural instincts are to go for being the dominant bitch so you have aggression forming there. I find its about 4 - 8 weeks of things being all over the place and then with the decline of heat normality returns. I could see how some bitches may be more aggressive towards work when in season .
  19. You can buy on line free delivery on over 50.00 http://www.outdoorlook.co.uk/brand/carhartt?utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=adwordsbrands
  20. why do you want to put a working bitch on a none working dog best keep them the same and have a happy pet.
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