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Everything posted by zaktarin

  1. Hi Scoobs Welcome ! :welcomeani: ATB
  2. today we was ferreting side of a foot path man & woman came along saw 2 bunneys laid out then woman says dont no how you can kill things your murders all i said and i bet you dint have turkey xmas day then that shut her up and she fu.kt off wher do they think you get meat from fu.kin dreamers Spot on eli. There's too many narrow minded do-gooders out there.
  3. Hi Steve, and welcome. You should find what you're looking for within these forums, and get you back out there soon! :welcomeani: ATB
  4. F***ing w***ers. Should be banned from having animals in their care.
  5. Considering all the pics and reviews, and the size/quality vs price - i'm getting one!
  6. Welcome - hopefully these forums will help gaining permission - perhaps pairing up with some bods ATB
  7. I always carry half a dozen wool nets with me - they only work on grass and not for woodland etc. I'd even go as far as to say that on grass they work better then nylon. (Cue onslaught of comments ) ATB
  8. Guys, I was keen to get your advice. I usually snare during the day and check them frequently, but recently I've been leaving them over night checking at 8pm, 12am and 5pm. When I checked at midnight last night a fox (I presume) had decided upon himself to have an easy snack and take most of my rabbit - leaving the two front legs and the head - the rest had disappeared! Do you leave snares out overnight and if so how often do you check them?
  9. Hi and welcome Eliot! I'm just down the road from you - Fareham. What is it you're into - shooting / ferreting etc? ATB
  10. Welcome :welcomeani: Hope you enjoy the site. ATB
  11. Welcome! Hope you enjoy the site!
  12. welcome! Hope you enjoy the site and get out a little more from what you learn/share!
  13. Good write up. It's always the way when you invite people out with you - always seems to be a duff day in the end. lol. "Rather a bad day ferreting then a good day in the office" !! ATB
  14. Welcome little man - as you've seen lots of info on here, but feel free to ask questions too
  15. You're more then welcome! There's loads of info on here so just enjoy..! ATB
  16. I always take a Mk1 and Mk3 out, but always keep using the Mk1 when locating. Cant seem to get the hang of the Mk3 no matter how much practice i put in! Stick with Mk1 is my opinion and save £150
  17. Looks good. Self-builds are always better - customised and all that. How/what is the roof?
  18. Thirteen ?! What's your secret ??!
  19. Sadly, i've had it a couple of times whereby when a jill gets old and she is sharing a hutch with more younger ferrets then they can become 'outcasts', especially when it comes to feeding time - they get pushed out and forced off until the others have had first dibs. Suggest shuffling the ferrets around so that the 'nicer ones' are in a hutch with the older one so they can all play nicely - worked for me previously. ATB
  20. Feed them a mixture of lights and cat biscuits, with lots of water bottles available. Keep the bottles covered from the light if you can - saves cleaning the algae out so often. Summer is the time of the year where they require lots of TLC with the cleaning etc. In terms of how often - i feed them once a day, every evening. Works well in the summer as most flies arent around at 9/10pm. Ferrets only eat what they want at the time and store the rest anyway - just be mindful of clearing all the old meat out everyday - otherwise that's where you get maggots! ATB
  21. Way too young, they are as others mention just kits fooling around at that age. I have one which is 4 months old but wont take her out now until next season, so we are looking at 12 months old, and only then will it be with older experienced jills so the younger ones can follow them down and around. ATB
  22. Don't ask (!). My ferrets died of a virus in aug just before the season started. I got a young jill in sept but too young to take out this season. Will get two or three more jills next year. Still been showing my face around the farms, mainly snaring; quite frustratingly really...
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