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Everything posted by zaktarin

  1. Hi I'm in need of a vasectomised hob. Happy to drop off or collect. Happy to pay a small donation also. Any referrals also welcome. Thanks Simon
  2. Hi. Southampton area, I'm looking for a young jill and a vac hob. Any help or recommends appreciated. Thanks Simon
  3. Hi all, I'm after a vasectomised hob for two of my ferrets. I'm happy to drop round if you prefer. I'm based in between Portsmouth and Southampton. Thanks in advance. Simon
  4. Bump this, as im also seeking one, near Southampton if anyone knows of any?
  5. I had a good service from Deben a couple of years ago. I emailed them requesting a quote for a dial sticker for the mk1, few days later I was opening the post and they had sent me two spares free of charge! Good work Deben.
  6. Same here - I am from Hampshire and looking for jills when they become available. I am based in Fareham. cheers
  7. Thanks for helping Rosemary !! lol
  8. Hello and welcome. It's Jills for me - they are lighter than hobs !!
  9. Welcome - if you're looking for new ideas you've come to the right place!
  10. Battlestar Galactica Star Trek TNG ThunderCats ... to name but a few
  11. Hi - welcome to the site :welcomeani:
  12. Have you got anything more expensive?
  13. I got one of these a few weeks ago - absolutely cracking deal for the power, plus only runs on 3 AAA batteries! My link
  14. up to 90, but usually circa 70. Plus a longnet and two ferrets.
  15. i tried the onion, left it on for 6 hrs hours and scrubbed it clean but the rust remained... i tried the scrunched up foil and oil and worked perfect. Perhaps i used genetically modified onions?! lol
  16. Foil and wd-40. Works a treat
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