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lamping lurchers

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About lamping lurchers

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  1. Haha impossible, I got a russel but a bitch, and a greyhound with milky tits
  2. 3 hobs ,2 albino 1 chocolate polecat 3 year old have worked 2 seasons never bitten, £10 each county Durham
  3. Forgot to add its tongue and groove, 20 quid county Durham
  4. bows the PUPS settled mate



      Get yasell on them posts you little fanny if you done nowt wrong you got nowt to be worried about but if you have I hope youve moved!!

  5. 5 foot by 3 1/2 foot, can email pics, box type with lid on hynjes(spelling)
  6. Well all PUPS gone to new homes, every one happy with them
  7. And was never called Paul n scooby we had same debait months ago
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