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Everything posted by wiganer

  1. Bin watching this post and i am sorry for your loss. I do think that there are lessons to be learnt though. If ever anyone suspects that their ferret is in any trouble go to the vets straight away. It may cost money but will get a sure answer on the issue. Once again really sorry for your loss pal.
  2. I don't want to seem like a muppet - but i was also under the impresion that when a Jill comes into season it is not good practice to just leave her. Last year (her first year) i put our Hob in with her and ended upwith the expected litter wich is not an issue at all. I thought i was doing the right thing. Can someone please clear up this point. If the jill is not going to be bread does she need to be neutred? Thanks Chris
  3. Hi All, I am concidering building a perminant ferret house for my lads ferrets. I dont need advice on construction techniques but just wanted some advice on materials and timber sizes. I am guessing that the frame is best made of 50mm x 50mm and ply for the sheeting. I would also like to be able to split the home so that i can seperate the hob's and jill's if needed. If anyone can offer advice on materials, sizes, or post any pics or plans that would be a graet help. I know that it will be down to personal preferance in the end but some ideas would help to get the ball
  4. Is this jacket stillavailable? PM me and let me know.
  5. 1 X Hob & 1 X Jill for sale in Wigan. both from same litter born in July 2010. Crackers.
  6. I use any old clothing that we aquire in our house. We usually have a bag full in the garage and we wash them often.
  7. Does anyone stop their ferret water bottles from freezing up and if so how? Our cages are outdoors but in a covered area. We are defrosting 3 times a day in this weather. We not fussed about doing it but just wanted to know if anyone has a fix for the issue. Chris.
  8. Thanks for all your great comments. We sure will keep at it and it won't be long before we score a winner. At least we aint alone in this weather. Merry Xmas. Chris n Max
  9. Hi All, Well - Just got back in the warm house after a few hours out with my lad and his ferret on our first go at ferreting. First thin - we didn't get any rabbits. We have permission on a local farmers land and once we found the warren we started to get some nets down. The warren was obviously occupied. My son was extremly anxious once ''Rocky'' had gone down the hole but i tried to reassure him using our new Mk3 locater. Rocky had a real good run around once he was in but we didn't bolt any rabbits. He popped out a couple of times but all in all after about 45 mins my l
  10. Hi Everyone, Just wanted to give a quick intro from myself. I live in Wigan and my son has 5 ferrets. We have two terriers (1 x Jack Russell and 1 x Patterdale cross with a Jack). We are starting to get into ferreting and would welcome any advice or company to help us get started. We already have permission and all the equipment we need, It's just a case of getting out there now. Thanks for any advice. Chris
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