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Everything posted by Stanleigh

  1. Not getting involved in all this carry on,just wanted to make a point.....it doesnt take a season ticket holder or even somebody to go to games to be a serious fan of their club,ive never bought into that theory myself even though i see my team regularly......i know a fella whos probably the most knowledgable and serious football fan ive ever seen but has never been to a game,not due to money either he just cant be in crowds......thats the beauty of sport,ANYBODY can be a dedicated knowledgable fan regardless of finances. Cant be in crowds , shame he,s not a Millwall fan , he could watch t
  2. Best pics RFYL has took in ages
  3. School holidays , best thing to do would be find him some odd jobs to do , ask round your mates , see what they need doing , that way he can earn money for his own lamp .
  4. Get some squatters to take over the house.
  5. thankyou,but iam not interested in girls PM Earth and Topnotch and tell them that
  6. Windy , shouldn,t you be swinging on a bridge somewhere playing your banjo ?
  7. He,s back mate , held his hands up and is taking his flak like a good un , and the rest of the turd burglars are delighted
  8. Stanleigh


    Don,t take it to heart , young Windy , it,s just me being a prick .
  9. Stanleigh


    Atleast he knows it........ half the battle. I don't think he is the thickest on here by a country mile........ Of course not.............Stans just posted......... Shouldn,t you be over at Barrymores house about now ?
  10. Stanleigh


    Lets be fair Windy , you are thick as hell.
  11. As said see a solicitor , and see what his advice is , I think you should make every effort to get a look at the cctv. good luck.
  12. Lost a good dog about 20 odd years ago , a hare took it across a road and it was killed instantly , the driver of the car kept sending me solicitors letters trying to get 900 quid for the damage to his car which I kept ignoring , one morning the solicitors clerk knocked on my door asking if I was mr s , he looked like he was hiding a summons or something behind his back so the conversation went like this.... me....WHAT HAVE YOU GOT BEHIND YOUR BACK ? him.....nothing me ....DONT TELL LIES YOU TWAT , WHAT HAVE YOU GOT ? him ....really , nothing sir me...DO YOU THINK I,M STUPID ? YOUR HID
  13. Paddy , Paddy , Paddy you haven,t read the rules have you ? Misogyny is a requirement on this site or you will be called a gay ladyboy.
  14. If your still looking for a stud young fella , I know someone in your area with a nice minshaw dog .
  15. Learn a bit faster Windy , or your fkd /
  16. So I don,t confuse a young lad any more than he already is , and for the benefit of the child support agency , I would like to make it clear my last post was a joke.
  17. Windy , you say your dad is a piss head scrap man who knows fk all about dogs ......is it lurcher 1 ?
  18. Windy , if one of the A levels your taking is English ......your fked mate .
  19. Heres a few shots I took of the sunrise ..
  20. maybe he values his human right to privacy and wants to retain it,regardless of what he could or could not of been doing he did not break a single law. Maybe he should of valued my right as a tax payer not to have my money wasted on tying up police time and recourses , when a name and address wold have settled it . the police wasted their time and your money not the citizen who wanted to retain his human rights. or should the police be allowed to commit any human rights violations they like if it saves time? mate . I don,t want to get into a civil liberties discussion , but ask
  21. maybe he values his human right to privacy and wants to retain it,regardless of what he could or could not of been doing he did not break a single law. Maybe he should of valued my right as a tax payer not to have my money wasted on tying up police time and recourses , when a name and address wold have settled it .
  22. I,m not the biggest fan of the police , but why didn,t he just give his details , he wasn,t taking photos of historic monuments or nice scenic landscapes , he was in the shopping area , he could of been a peadophile or terrorist , and just because he wasn,t he could of understood the concerns it would cause and just give his details ffs ..apologies if it was RFYL
  23. is it the grey haired deer bloke , or the puma trackie with the walking stick ?
  24. Getting a bit like bullying now .
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