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Everything posted by superfurryanimal

  1. a teenage boy asks his father what a lady's 'private parts' look like. father thinks for a moment, then replies, 'well, before sex it sort of looks like a rose with beautiful dark red petals, oh right says the son. 'so does it look any different after sex ?' yes replies father. but it's difficult to describe.... say, have you ever seen a bulldog eating mayonnaise !
  2. AUDITIONING the finger puppets. BASTING the tuna. BEATING the beaver. BUFFING the beaver. BUTTERING the muff. CHECKING for squirrels. CHECKING the oil. CLUBBING the clam. DIALING 'O' on the little pink telephone. DUNKING the doughtnut. EXCAVATING the tunnel of love. EXERCISING the negotiator. EXPLORING the bush. EXPLORING the deep south. FLICKING the switch. FROSTING the muffin of love. GETTING the last pickle out of the jar. GLAZING the doughnut. GOING ON A self-guided boat tour of the jar. GROPING the grotto. HA
  3. mummy, mummy when will the paddling pool be full ? shut up and keep spitting !

  4. is out of toilet roll : - (

  5. how many of you make the most of road kill ie: rabbits, squirels, pheasants etc, as long as it's freshly killed i allways make the most of this free grub for the ferrets, just make sure you freeze it for a couuple of weeks to rid any parasites sorted !
  6. is off to warm up the remains of last night curry, onion bajees and naan bread !

    1. rocky1


      i bet you taste better

    2. mexlad
  7. couldn't agree more bud, but for me it has to be brain, as said in the post :- what does the collie bring ? if i wanted total commitment then a bull x would be the answer, but in my eyes they're a sledge hammer to crack a nut, pending what you want i find a good collie x whippet, collie x greyhound or beddie x whippet, beddie x greyhound hard to beat.
  8. thanks for the replys lads, i've been without transport for a few weeks now, just got my self some new wheels only thing is there's a sticker on the back panel that reads ; don't follow me follow god !
  9. a dog with to much brain, f*ck what next ? the post was what does a collie bring to an out cross i.e - greyhound, whippet. it brings absoulute obediance, hearding instinct, good coat, and a brain that won't keep it laid up under a heat lamp for a few weeks !
  10. a lot of my farms were hit by mixy a year or 2 ago and have never recovered, what i do see is one or two black rabbits that never seem to be affected by mixy ? why is this do you think they're immune and are they "carriers" of the disease ? anyone else noticed this ?
  11. anyone else watch the first 48 ? allways seems to be blacks in the dock, f.cked if i'd live there to many thieving niggers !

  12. what about the toyota landcruiser 3.tr tdi 1999-2000 ? anyone own one of these ?
  13. one of the best dogs i've had was a collie x whippet good all round rabbiting dog good on the lamp very obediant, and a pleasure to have own ! r.i.p. meg
  14. whats the best way to remove these from a cars body work without damaging the paint work ?
  15. well after catching 2 buses this morning the wallet is back with its owner, told him i'd found outside iceland, fairplay he did book me a taxi back, so back out with the hounds tomorrow in my trusty old wellies !
  16. UH ! it's a wallet not a dog ! think he meant he would try and return the property to its rightfull owner.i think you have already made up your mind what your going to do with it. if i was the rightfull owner i would not have been so lack so daisy ! p.s as for making my mind up only time will tell !
  17. me to pal not got 2 pennies 2 rub together
  18. now what your saying, thing is my job i find quite alot and have handed things back in the past only to be met by some pissed up people with hangovers who have not even said thank you
  19. well today i found a wallet with quite a few notes in it, thing is the guys name and address is in it aswell, would you hand it back to him or say f*ck it finders keepers ! thing is i've been looking for some new nets and a new pair of neoprene wellies. what would you do ? a.t.b. sfa
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