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Everything posted by superfurryanimal

  1. well handled ferrets should never bite ! whether they're by the cage door or not ! the reason ferrets nip or bite is because they've not been handled enough, simple ! it drives me mad when i hear people say they can't handle ferrets because they're nippy ! my fourteen year old daughter regularly feeds mine, some hutches with four jills in, all coming to the door at once ! you may get the odd one that can't be tamed, but really if you don't put the time in handling them from a young age and every day after what do you expect a.t.b sfa
  2. as above bite the bullet and get the bitch jabbed by the vet ! you can abbort the pups now, don't dither about it'll be enough of a strain on the bitch as it is. a.t.b sfa
  3. fair play mate thats my type of grub ! just made myself a nice plate pastie ! better than gregs any day !
  4. biro ? keep it out the sun .. if its framed check with a a picture framer on the glass some glass is better than other re ultra violet light .. if its not for display put in in brown paper and put it away some where dry but away from heat .. i`ve also seen them go when on display above a radiator ... hi mate yes its biro, got it in a picture frame covered with glass, don't keep it in the sun light it's kept in the shade, it's ten years old know and starting to fade ? a.t.b sfa
  5. are any of you giving the beddie a go? apart from one or two the beddie never gets mentioned on here that someone is digging to on a regular basis ! i know there's loads of shit out there, but how many of you have looked and asked the stalwarts of the breed for any info ? it's such a shame that more digging boys are not giving this dog a chance ! the show world is going to kill off another great terrier if they get they're own way ! try the working bedlington forum ! great site !
  6. anyone know whats the best way to preserve one ? got one that means a lot to me, only thing is it's starting to fade ! is there anything i could do to ? a.t.b sfa
  7. why the f*ck anyone wants to put posts of a days hunting on any social network is not right in the head ! ffs ! get real ! a.t.b. sfa
  8. draw a face on it and pretend it's your siameese twin ! a.t.b sfa
  9. Slabs are a bad idea. No matter what you use to grout with the gaps between get full of piss and the whole place stinks. After 18 months or so there will be grass and weeds growing from the dirt trapped in the cracks. could you use a patio paint sealant ? i've seen some down our builders yard comes in clear a.t.b sfa
  10. just wondering if anyone on here bought one of these pups ? any pics, ? a.t.b sfa
  11. what about cleaning the runs ? shoudn't it be finished a lot smother, or would slabs be a better option ? a.t.b sfa
  12. she could get nasty with me in the bedroom anytime ! :whistling:
  13. all the kits that are about this time of year that are being given away and some are being stolen ! ffs
  14. to answer your post, to many, don't know why there's not more control of these pests ! they need management and culling like any other wild animal ! instead the goverment and all those f*cking things, (animal rights things ) should take a good look at them selfs ! the amount of pedigree cattle that as been slaughtered is disguisting !T.B. the be all and the end all of all this, badgers need to be controled and kept in check like any other pest ! P.S i'm off out with the lamp, ! a.t.b sfa
  15. hi all taken in some rescue hens that were looking a bit worse for wear, they laid for a couple of days and then nothing, they are looking a lot better now having free range on the back end of our garden where there's load of grass etc,etc only thing is they shit in all the nest boxes, will this stop them laying and is there anything i could do stop this ? a.t.b sfa
  16. i think they should NAIL someone for this !
  17. just wondering who's got some blackberries in and given the whisky a go ? a.t.b sfa
  18. is it me or is frontline not as strong as it was ? and what else do you buy ? a.t.b sfa
  19. f*ck the anti's !!!! if they think that i'm going to stop hunting then they can suck my c*ck ! all they are doing is making the hunts more determined than ever ! they will never stop hunting!! so if your an anti and your reading this, fox hunting is bloody good fun !!! p.s suck my c*ck ! a.t.b sfa
  20. hi all don't know how to start this but here goes, phill was a good mate of mine, the best of the best, a hard working man who had no enimies, he went through hell recently when he lost his mother and his son, at our local we'd allways talk about dogs, ferrets, fishing and field sports, he loved his spaniels. we'd often help each other out with ferrets, he passed me 2 days before he was killed and waved but being in work i couldn't stop, i rember looking as he walked away thinking to myself, thats a pair of shoulders ! in tears i can't believe i'm posting this!!!!!!!!! and here i'am sitting in
  21. what area of wales did this happen mate ? got a caravan myself can never be too carefull a.t.b sfa
  22. never sneezed or had a blocked nose but have shit myself once or twice :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:
  23. rspca advert on a hunting site ? what next maybe lacs will be given some space to put up an advert are we f*cking real ? who ever gave the ok for this needs they're f*cking head read !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a.t.b sfa
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