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Everything posted by b53hunt

  1. probably been reloaded once too many i use norma brass you should try a different brand and one that havnt been loaded before see if it make a difference
  2. well one less to worry about whats your setup if you dont mind me asking
  3. brass may have been reloaded too much how many have split
  4. savage all the way pal you wil find a decent second hand one for your buget great rifles
  5. you should have a look at manners or mc millan bit expensive but i have manners on all of mine well worth the money atb b
  6. plenty to eat in my experience it only gives you a bit more range with heavy loads and if you put it through a pattern master it seems to be a very uniformed pattern and after all i aim for the head and neck area so very few pellets end up in the body does the trick for me anyway but i do you 32g 4 steel for the ducks and im sure some will use them geese but it is a big bird atb b
  7. kent cartridges tungsten matrix 3.5 63g 1 shot do the job £26 for 10 mind
  8. aim field sports drag bag google it iv got 2 the 40 and 60 for my hmr and 243 thy are the dogs bollocks
  9. b53hunt

    10 Bores

    what semi auto is it pal
  10. looking well there wish i had the skill for me its all with the eyes if they are cheap they dont look as good but if they are of quality they make a good piece look even better atb
  11. some years back before hitting the ducks and it seemed to loose pattern and be wider than lead but i have some steels i will take what youve said and have a go at patterning a few a different distances to see and your correct when you say that tungsten and bismuth are too expensive but i love them in large shot 3s and above for the geese atb
  12. the only problem i have with steel is the maximum choke its safe with is 1/2 but you can put bismuth and tungsten through full with it behaving more like lead so for long shots steel does have limits with pattern density
  13. get it one of those tyres from pets at home they dont last forever but my two patts have a couple and have had for a few month
  14. i dare say 500 plus because ive heard a similar story before
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