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About rsedwards1

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  1. To All, Found the problem . I purchased a New Bull Barrel 22 , tried the New Magazines in the Tiger 10 , worked perfectly! the Tiger 10 Mags tried in the New Bull Barrel , and was the same as the Tiger 10, would only index up side down!!!. The 3 Magazines strangly failed at the same time , dispite stripping , cleaning close inspection , i can not see any problem with them. The new type mags have different index lock levers , the Tiger 10 was not at fault at all. A costly repair and time consuming over 3 Magazines which look normal and work perfectly out of the gun. I am now the proud ow
  2. Magazine is not indexing to next shot. Tried with 3 different magazines , these all work in another gun. Fitted new Index shuttle, no change Fitted new index spring, no change Fitted new index lever , no change Fitted new magazine holder , no change Fitted Mag catch ,no change Fitted Mag catch spring , no change The Magazine will work if I turn the gun up side down, there is nothing loose the bolt hammer spring all in good condition . The bolt shows no signs of jamming or clearing the magazine in the normal position. This is a difficult problem to explain and trace the fault. Anybod
  3. Hi, Looking at the picture what is included in the advert for 550 please ie scope make type ect Regards Robert
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