I'll say it agen versatile jukels will be got from bu k or jaz with a other type runner greyhound fa buck coursing dog fa jaz remember this greyhou d gone In jaz four times buck only once atb bill
The most versatile with a greyhound a d alsation his the three quarter grey type if one want s a rangy alsation a f1 would suffice but its a strong gene the alsation it all depends what ya wanting the jukel for a good alsation will catch conies on the lamp and few other bits alsation are totally different than malls atb bill
F this xs I ha eots of e pdrien e in f1 three quarter five eights and jaz fourth gen f1 T five eights three eights fa me I thought the three quarter were probably the more versatile more pace no real difference I. Stamina same brain power really other maybey these fourth generation types nay eyxele ding who gets them. They all done deer coneys long ears some fox and this one I got now will ta kle other stuff. Funny thing with these I got I neva got the. Hoice I would have but that's how it his some times. I was offered second gen three quarter I often think I should a took that bitch she made
Don't know ythe flun dog but I gad a male from him a few on here see. N him graft over five seasons plenty speed decent stamina single handed on all made stuff look easy owned grafted behind the scenes. Atb bill
Ime all ready sitting fecking down the memorirs of mines fa my self only now I. Have young led he listens ta my waffling on andd of course has a younger lad wS got ta seed some of there efforts he got the other deerhound we fetched. Atb bill
Okay I suppose Arthur could be any one really from Moscow ta the east or west of scotland or Arthur from the valleys. It do t matter its only banter on a forum cheerio jig atb bill
I ll say this and no more. Y experience of smomals bred down from Arthur or direct his that owner first hand handler not bull shite crap heresy mags, one or otherwise first hand htafti g them handled reared any me atb bill
Bear foot the Arthur dog wS a good animal fa the job expected most importantly tried tested producer I had a few non failures in them I had all took teeth. Atb bill