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Everything posted by billhardy

  1. with out doubt the best male coursing dog to grace these shores .atb bunnys.
  2. See yas from our manor then plenty us on here enjoy atb bunnys
  3. He looks a little cracker there fella,atb bunnys.
  4. asleep again lol. good luck with him, see you in the morning.. Loa knows I was assured he comes alive at night lol lets fecking hope so atbbunnys.
  5. feck me photography narrrrh lol happy days new beginnings atb bunnys.
  6. j. Just fetched cryuff jabs start course of jabs Saturday atb bunnys.
  7. trigig he his leg goer and so his the dark bitch but cryuff was always gonna be the one for me ,he likes his grub like me plus he at the moment for what it's worth seems to be following the blonde line from whins stuff has for Buck mr Lloyd if cryuff turns half the animal he his ill be happyand thanks for the complimented has big boots to fill and no doubt I'll be burning a few pair out trying him. Atb bunnys.
  8. If I had to choose be the middle one I reckon. . The dark bitch in the fore ground a very foreword little devil atb bunnys.
  9. . Three bitches remaining little devils ,atb bunnys
  10. . And for postie another beauttttty.atb bunnys.
  11. Trigg on it ,. Three ya go trigg he's a crackkkker. Atb bunnys
  12. Gonna nip see Welps see how they're doing only three bitches available rest going to working homes pleased about this atb bunnys.
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