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Everything posted by billhardy

  1. He his though just popped up fa that very reason he be a wazak lol atb bill
  2. He's what ya call a wazak he his a great dyslexic wazak no translater needed atb bill
  3. The problem with you sandy your opinions are based on one if a xs ta be fair your not on your ow. The sites full them sorts atb bill
  4. Sandy why don't you ask Bill he on here good bad and down right shite in all types fact .atb bill
  5. He looks like Asoma and ya know what happened ta him fish food atb bill
  6. I'll tell ya something else sandy them galagos won't beget ya a jukel that a deerhounds capable if doing funny old thing livestock breeding but my bets I'll be right .atb bill
  7. Seen it before that will have no bearing how she turns out she a right sided atb bill
  8. Two of us me and jukel atb billBill
  9. No. The storm was mostly coursing bred very well bred ery good jukel in himself atb bill
  10. There's just been a deerhound xs bulldozer type courser sold fa strong wonga young animal doing well killing threes long ears loads in tank nice type atb bill
  11. That storm we had bred by whin covered a f1 some went round Nottinghamshire Derbyshire area atb bill
  12. I would break them simple ghay would not be able ta take the style of work I would expect atb bill
  13. How many times a tell yas me different ha ha atb bill
  14. That's ashame then really but that livestock hard earned T get them can be lost in a moment. My mate mick rip rNca pure he had him on the islands decades ago he was OK but not really ad uitable fa running conies on sand y hole ridden Warrens he came as cropper ran in ta something but he got o er that. Atb bill
  15. Let me say geared up back here da a couple large size broods greyhounds deerhound space a kennel room a plenty at the moment the little deerhound welp looks lost but hey I have no doubt he will grow in ta the space lol atb bill
  16. Black mag not xed my mind but if some one eNted ta use him i would possibly consider let them use him it's simple I would not breed him my self I have offers ta breed br. oods fa folk and do the rearing for them but cana be aused. That's not fa me. Atb bill
  17. The f1 second gen bitch we had could catch long ears quite well anywhere Charlie's she was okay heavier teeth just okay. She was bred ta s bull xs they were very good on feed back then she went to a f1 Mike brown whippet xs grey these were very handy some rough some smooth bitches around twenty two males larger I had a bitch from this union but she came very light fa me I gifted her ta a lass fa Coneys so I ha e abit of k now ledge of W h atz capabley first lurcher around maybe thirteen was a f1 second gen deerhound grey lon long time ago he was catching longears twelve mths dead at thirtee
  18. No you ain't wro g them his words neva. Eeded a hole ender I'mn my days but that's another story fecks sake. Atb bill
  19. Sandy I k ow full well about size limitations etc etc who wants something thirty two inch fa a runner any way ya being very naive get a grip go put the sunbed on and heat lamp fa yaself and them galagos frosty night afoot atb bill
  20. I have a pal brought a deerhound whippet xs some yrs a k wonder g if this was you by the way he failed the little jukel atb bill
  21. Listen fa what it's worth going off track abit I seen alsation xs pull reds it's not a out how big one's ego his fa me I rarely fail with jukels or any livestock fa that matter so there we go. Hell keep. The bottom of the bed wRm atb bill
  22. Who's cope land. Fecks I know if you mea. Cookland those are based on doxehope and produced there's o e thing in this world I find his this with livestock can o e produce from non tested stuff of course they can that's not ta say cookland stuff ain't tested it his what it his I kept livezto k to long to know all lines produ e failures lots of things gave adverse affects at times but there you go you yourself lur her should well know this. Atb bill
  23. I would prefer a fecking Italian greyhound than a galgo atb bill
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