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Everything posted by billhardy

  1. Blacki that was not meant fa you lol atb bill
  2. No bred in the midlands from imported base stock galagos zany got imported totally different same could be said of your cattle dog British bred from imported stock very very different they evved on a few gens in the UK cana be said for those galgo he fet hong over yeah got it if not have wee think about atb bill
  3. Cold dry conditions ain't the same has dirty filthy damp wet cold nights with cold rain and no let up you should no that crack head atb bill
  4. She his ddr bred alsation but Eastern Germany a tough old place ta survive for any creature winter time big difference than a pussy fied mix bred mutt from the seaside of the British fecking Spain and fa what it's worth katchum ya a doubled up wnkef atb bill
  5. Cana awill and cana would. Atb bill
  6. Sandy the wanker cowardice pussy with his fecking Spanish shite hounds a good winter would see them dead on the road living under a wagon they would shrink from Feb till they dead in April no snapping would Eva suffice fa them ta survive. Atb bill
  7. Joe we all o they were designed to bring beasts done at bay but like the pit terrier totally designed fa another lob but when xed with the greyhound we have a totally different kind of jukel hence some types reign supreme at some. Jobs but fa the deerhound when mixed hold there own on abit of most edible bits a jobs master of none kind jukel. Atb bill
  8. Ha ha ha ill bite ya fecking nose off and eat it in front of ya ya fecking dirty Spanish shit eater atb bill
  9. His that Mexican or dare I say. Spanish atb bill
  10. No chance are they. Just telling yas fe ck off atbb bill
  11. Sandy feck off back Spain Tb bill
  12. Well yall after fecking wait lol atb bill
  13. Blacki only way I know how ta feed atb bill
  14. The best a snapping going in him. Beef tripe some gain 20 chicken beef mince eggs goats milk hell be having goat flesh when I go fa a mooch. TB BILL
  15. These were same very aggressive fighting really tough surprised me atb bill
  16. Sound mick will have this twat out ne t week. Ragging feck out a me his new fecking toy. Lol atb bill
  17. Coats breaking out going grey has expected atb bill
  18. Supper he ate the wings fa a got as pic atb bill
  19. Last jab tonight lepto 4 just under nineteen inch24 pounds in weight. Atb bill
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